Most Scariest PC Game.

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Just watched the YouTube video, I still think DOOM3 was the scariest... just look at the lighting/shadows... and the baddies would move real slow and menacingly...
check the screenshots of another new scary game..

Left 4 Dead

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vishalrao said:

right! but I completed doom3 and resurrection of evil at 1600x resolution and 7.1 home theatre. dont remeber how many times I jumped off my chair. most irritating guy is the one who throws fire balls and makes hissing sounds. and the mo**** f*****s dont die with a single shot.

other than that, wolfenstein was scary. I dont call fear scary.
Doom on late night gaming all alone....;) Now dat's what i call scary...Oooooohhhh....:rolleyes:

But I still remember a scene from the new release of F.E.A.R in which i saw a guy entering a dark lane and i follow him up dere and when i am dere there is all blood and i thought alrite, so he's gone and when i turn around...there is this scary music of F.E.A.R. and F*** he's standing right infront of me and then disappears.
For a few seconds i couldn't continue playing and thought: this is the most scariest scene in my gaming history.:ohyeah:
FEAR, DOOM III & Silent Hill series.... I felt my legs shaking in fear while playing DOOM III in night with lights switched off.... :(
Doom 3 ? F.E.A.R ? RTCF ? Those are scary games? LOL

That youtube list is perfect. Nothing beats Silent hill. Infact Silent hill 3 is also as good as original.

playing on my 5.1 creative. gave me the felt like somebody was walking over my grave
Clive Barkers Undying is one of the best scary FPS experiences. Too bad they messed up Jericho.

I wouldn't call DOOM 3 or F.E.A.R scary.

Anyone who think these are scary should try Call of Cthulhu :P
Hmm Doom 3 was more of a sudden thrill kinda game, infact if all the storyline is taken into consideration, Undying and Bioshock were a lil scary..
It just shocks you at the worst possible moments.
Doom 3 was so so, just like the toy, jack in the box, easy to predict.
DOOM 3 - Scary enuff to discorage u frm playing it.Cud be the repetitive gameplay too.The sound design plays a big role in this game apart frm the detailed graphics.

FEAR - The name says it all.Scary shit.

Stalker - Strange, nobody mentioned it yet.Maybe there arnt many ppl who've played this buggy gem.That mindfreak guy in the underground scared the bejesus outta me.The effect was very unsettling and cool at the same time.

HL2 Ravenholm - Very creepy level indeed.Those leaping and hissing crawlies are sick.If i see them,i get the fcuk outta there(after dropping a grenade ofcourse)

AVP 2 - Remember playing this game years back at nite with all lights off and watching out for those mofo aliens n predators in Marine mode.

Farcry - Some levels with those badass mutagens and bigass rocker launcher wielding monsters.

RTCW - Those unholy things in the Crypt level along with those Nazi mutant creations are a pain.

Painkiller - Some levels are pretty foreboding.Remember a level with some demonic babies.
check out clive barker jericho and i think every one forgot silent hill. creepiest and one of the most cinematic experiences
1. Is everyone too traumatized by "Thief 3 - The cradle" level to remember it?

2. Undying

3. silent hill 3

4. avp2 - marine compaign

Nothing else got close

games like fear,doom3,farcry were like a afternoon walk

seems i have to try out Cthulhu soon
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