Mozilla Firefox 2.0 - Addons, Plugins, Tweaks, Utilities Thread

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AWW SH*T ...
its old news is it ? I saw an OCT 2006 date for it and thought it was a nOObie ADD-ON...
One imp thing to be metioned here is that having too many of extensions makes Firefox very bloated... In my experience Firefox 2.0 seems to take more memory with the same extensions compared to Firefox 1.5.x .. although it mayb due to the extensions themselves...

Every new extension that u add to Firefox, just takes more memory...and with each tab it grows exponentially. So IMHO add only those extensions that u use regularly!!
this is one of the best extension i'm using:

The product called Shazou (pronounced Shazoo it is Japanese for mapping) enables the user with one-click to map and geo-locate any website they are currently viewing. Shazou was developed as a tool to improve the awareness for people surfing the internet about where and who they are interacting with every click of the mouse.

Get it:

Hehe techenclave:

This one is like NOScript.

This extension will allow you to easily control cookie permissions. It will appear on your statusbar. Just click on the icon to allow, block, or temporarily allow the site to set cookies. You can also view or clear the cookies and exceptions by right clicking on the statusbar icon. For safer browsing you may choose to deny cookies globally and then enable them on a per site basis.

Get it!:


one thing guys...
can any one giv me an addon for firefox tat wud enable me to refresh a given tab with in an interval of time..i mean like a loop thing tat wud refresh a page for every 5-10 mins or so?

a javascript will do to
Abhishek said:

one thing guys...

can any one giv me an addon for firefox tat wud enable me to refresh a given tab with in an interval of time..i mean like a loop thing tat wud refresh a page for every 5-10 mins or so?

a javascript will do to

Download: Auto Refresher

Requires: Greasemonkey


1> After installing goto Tools > GreaseMonkey > Manage Scripts.

2> Click on Auto Refresher.

3> Add the URLs u want to automatically refresh and close it.

Stock refresh time: 2 seconds.
ezactly wat i needed..thanx dude...u rok..:cool2:

Stock refresh time: 2 seconds.

but..tats too less..
cant there be adjustments done to the greasemonkey script to get a custom refresh time??:huh:
It can be done. Thats why i mentioned 'stock' time. :P

Follow the below steps:

1> Goto Manage User Scripts.

2> Click on the EDIT button below.

3> When the script opens in wordpad go to the following code.

// How often is page refreshed (in ms)

var time = 2000; //= 2sec

4> Change the value to '100000' for 10 mins or likewise. Close the windows and you are done.

Incase clicking on EDIT doesnt generate any response do the following steps:

1> Open a new tab and type 'about:config' in the URL.

2> In the preference name goto the 'Greasemonkey.editor'.

3> Double click to modify the value to 'C:\Windows\Notepad.exe'.

4> Close the tab.

This should help incase the GM editor isnt configured by default.
erm.. u sure u cant find this?!

And if you cannot then just create it.

Right-click on that page -> New -> String and enter the values as u need them to be.
NEurodrOne said:
And if you cannot then just create it.

Right-click on that page -> New -> String and enter the values as u need them to be.

We add a string to the config file in the above way. I think its quite elucidative as to the creation of the new variable. Well if u want a complete procedure, which is self-explanatory anways, its as follows:

1> Right-click on that page -> New -> String.

2> In the invoked window type -> 'Greasemonkey.editor'

3> In the next window enter the location for your notepad.exe;

ie. if you have installed windows in C drive it will be: 'C:\Windows\Notepad.exe'

4> Press Enter and close the windows. This should be it.

I dont think why else this problem would persist unless u havent got GM xpi installed.

On a second thought, download this script. Got a refresh timer of 3 minutes. Hope it will be temporarily sufficient.
hey i did get the notepad but with wat shud i save it/????

i am entering 240,000 for refreshing evry 4minutes....after entering tat value with wat name shud i save?????will tat be enough for refreshing evry 4minutes????
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