Mozilla Firefox 2.0 - Addons, Plugins, Tweaks, Utilities Thread

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guys i download fire gestures but i don't how use means when i drag or cover with circle then how to take a screen shot of which i selected
I have been using a variety of addons frm firefox....and my favourite by far has been Flashgot addon....i m also using the Adblock plus, download progress and search engine addons.........:hap2: :D the firefox addons simply rock and keep getting better by the day........
racy1 said:
All-in-One Sidebar

AiO Sidebar lets you control all firefox features through a single sidebar... You can manage themes, plugins, skins, downloads settings & everything by just clicking on the sidebar which remains hidden normally ......

+1 for me I have used this one for ages, it's awesome

I also love Foxmarks

It is an online bookmark Hosting Service. The bookmarks show up in Firefox as usual and synchronizes with the server every time you make changes. I use it on my portable version of Firefox, and also my linux and xp version... and they are always in sync. We also have multiple computers at work, so I have set up Foxmarks so that al the computers have the same business bokmarks that we need at all of the computers, and updating on updates all of them.
For Firefox v 3.5

Any Color: Dont like the defaut colour of the browser? Use this to make your own theme.


Background image behind address bar and search bar, customisable colours for page background, rounded scrollbars, different colours for tabs, etc.

Colorful Tabs: Choose a different colour for each open tab in the browser.

Note: Any Color above has compatibilty mode for colorful tabs so that you dont loose tab colours.

Edit: facing problem of not being able to select different tabs with colorful tabs addon installed. it maybe for me only, but proceed with caution.
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