Mr. and Mrs Smith Review

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Allright...i was lookiing forward 2 this movie for so long now tht i have seen it..i am posting a review..

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Brad Pitt : John Smith
Angelina Jolie : Jane Smith

THe movie is based on the hit TV show Mr. and Mrs. Smith in which two spies are married to each other, and the adventures they go through together.
Well the movie start showing both mr. and mrs smith talking to a Marrige councellor about their marrige and the space between them arising out of the marrige of 5 -6 years.They lead the life of a normal couple which has gotten used to a regularity in their lifestyle.
What they dont know is tht both of them lead a seperate secret life as Top Paid assasins for specific agencies.
Now as they both leave for a mission they are provided,it is found tht they both were against each other to finish the mission which they couldnt make it due 2 each others interferance.So they r given 48 hours to kill each other off or else they will be taken out by their own agencies.From here starts thew fight between both the husband and wife which leads to some good action and comedy seens.But once they find out the truth,they stand by each other and fight to stay alive.Giving more action sequences including a car chase, and a rescue mission. In between there are some comedy scenes,like during car chase each of them telling each other about the lies they had said to each other.

But i must say the movie is nothing according to the Hype it has generated, the worst part is the background music of the movie,u just cant match it in accordance to the scenes going on, other than tht the movie leaves u in between at many times where u wont be able 2 understand how did this scene come up. I for one feel very much tht this movie could have been made a whole lot better.
Other than tht in a lot of scenes u would be bewildered that why are they doing this and then a suddenc hange of events.I agree that they r assasins in the movie but they are not superheros. Also how come both of them got bulletproof vests whereas the commandos coming to capture tham didnt had any.. :S .

I would give it 6\10 cause of the rocking action scenes.
I wasnt the fan of the TV serial and i am not satisfied by the movie thy made up.
and i would advice tht it isnt worth spending rs. 150 on it. Parineeta is a much better watch.

ICE No Offence meant but dont ya think its a matter of Opinion and the ppl who have not watched the movie might not watch it anymore after this review.......
Again no offence meant but In my opiniion it has 8/10 ..... yes the story might be a bit weak but the actors more than make up for it.

So i guess make a neutral judgement....and ya cant compare this movie to Parineeta.....they are totally different.....Parineeta is also a Good Watch No doubt.
[don't shout dear - SN ]
Well once you change the actors it becomes a hardsell.I watched the original series and while I didn't like it very much,I think they should have stuck with the original actors esp. Scott Bakula.
Most people will watch this for the sex scenes(?) anyway.LOL.
Its much like X-Files or Superman,u can't take David Duchovny and Chris Reeve out of them and expect people to buy it.
undertaker said:
Well once you change the actors it becomes a hardsell.I watched the original series and while I didn't like it very much,I think they should have stuck with the original actors esp. Scott Bakula.
Most people will watch this for the sex scenes(?) anyway.LOL.
Its much like X-Files or Superman,u can't take David Duchovny and Chris Reeve out of them and expect people to buy it.
Ya i agree man.....Jolie Still Looks
@hellscreem - no offence taken, but i am just sharing my opinion here,wht i feel it isnt like i am telling them not to watch the movie i am just sharing wht i feel for the movie.

I am comparing it with parineeta only cause they both released on the same date and the people have an option to watch this or that.
I suggest if u feel that my review is not worth,please write up a review sharing ur views....
Mods i linked sm pics to the review but they r not showing up please check up y...:)
lol....i am not much of a review Writer sorry hope i did not hurt ya.....anyway I too thiought that the story was rather Lose but then the rest of the Masala was worth it.....

Parineeta is truely a Good movie after a long time in Hindi movie.......A Must Watch.....and another one Paheli, i am looking forward to it.
Didnt knew how did you compare Parineeta to Mr&Mrs Smith.
I wud anythime prefer watching a English movie over Hindi Movie.

But the common thing between them is just that they released on the same day.

Cant comment on Parineeta as i havent seen it.
But completely enjoyed Mr & Mrs Smith.
^^^^ Me too..... would prefer an English movie over a Hindi movie..... but again this depends on the movies....

Usually, hindi movies are waaaaay too illlogical.... I don't like that.

Bunty Aur Babli was one. One moment they have cheated a car dealer of a Porsche. The next moment, they are travelling by lorry. Then they are again in the Porsche. Stuff like that....
Hmm movies getting mixed reactions it seems ! Some of my friends said it was a time pass movie and ice here says it wasn't so good.
IceFusion said:
@hellscreem - no offence taken, but i am just sharing my opinion here,wht i feel it isnt like i am telling them not to watch the movie i am just sharing wht i feel for the movie.

I am comparing it with parineeta only cause they both released on the same date and the people have an option to watch this or that.
I suggest if u feel that my review is not worth,please write up a review sharing ur views....
Mods i linked sm pics to the review but they r not showing up please check up y...:)
Pics showing up here Ice..
very decent review man, after all, its the personal opinion that counts and not what other ppl think. Its just a matter of personal prefrence/taste, if it wasnt so, u think so many movies wud come out? :P

ME planning to watch this movie, lets see how t comes out ;)
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