7star and hathway have 1 Mbps, no FUP plans at 7-8k per year..
Hathway has a plan 5mbps upto 30gb then 1mbps FUP speed, 10k approx per year..
The only reason I'm hanging on to mtnl is that I can't afford anything else, and I'm getting good pings for gaming atm.
Contact a hathway centre(franchise) .. They have 5 pages of plans..
I have a hathway centre near my home on jp road, versova...
They don't show plans online..
Only 2-3 plans are shown online.. And those are for new connections only.. Call them up is what I'm saying or visit the nearest franchise .
It would be better to actually use some service before singing their accolades.
I have used, hathway (churcgate), 7 star (you would do well to check their unwritten FUP) , Reliance, a local operator, and MTNL (3 locations). The others do not even come close to MTNL's service.
Almost all cast stones at MTNL, and yet stick to it offering one excuse or another. MTNL is probably the only one which will give you a service anywhere, and the only onw who will strive to fix a problem when you hit one, everyone else will just tell you take it or leave it.
I would like to hear from users of other providers, rather than MTNL users who perpetually crib about it, and yet never leave its services even when there are so many wonderful offerings out there for the taking (as per them). Wonder what stops them.
Stop cribbing, start using. Companies do not exist for a minority few who's only job in life is downloading GBs of illegal files, they exist for providing services to the normal user. If you can't accept that, move on and find someone who will cater to your particular whim (though I suspect you do know, no one else will).