My 3G got limited to 1 Mbps

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Supra said:
^^ HF is 100% useless now anyway ! After DMCA raised a case against it all links are dead , forums r nt using it anymore....lost my 1k ...had gt a 6 mnths a/c :@
Same here. I also purchased 6 months accnt and now since most of the forums have banned it, no new uploads on it except few scene releases.
since 7-8 days my speeds also has been reduced to 2mbps from 5 mbps..

thank God i have purchased Fileserve instead of Hotfile after a lotta research... almost all HF links are dead and people not uploading to it anymore!!
I got a 3g bsnl sim yesterday. Changed the APN settings to BSNLNET. 3g started working. Am using a desire HD, and using USB tethering mode. Download speeds are 4-8 KBps per seconds!!! What should I do. Sometimes they go as high as 20 KBps per second, when the phone displays H. Now freqently net connection is dropping.
Customer care is as usual non responsive. Please help. Wanted to take full use of 7 day free internet.
I am from Noida and facing same issue, tried contacting customer service but cannot get rid of problem.
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue..has anybody experienced any the speeds..I am still getting pathetic Hyderabad..
Again got call from some BSNL babu asking me if my speeds have increased. Have repeatedly told them that THEY have restricted to 2048 kbps but they dont understand :@

They just say.."speedtest karke dekho"
anyways...since I have 3 net connections.... I download 20Gb per day even with 1MBPS and 2 512KBPS....but this really sucks

BSNL guys did call me today But I am least expecting any changes

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

The problem is ...I am hardly left with anything to download now:)
kauzy said:
thank god i went for EVDO n not 3G.. gives me 240 KBps for downloads.. :P
Next month i will ask BSNL guys to give a demo in my house....if i get 1-1.5 Mbps i will take it.
raksrules said:
^^ BSNL ???
Put a mail with proofs like MDMA screenshot to the local nodal officer and CC all India nodal officers.
here in upe , the DLS are capped at 512kbps
Got a sim that my friend bought 10 days back. SS of MDMA attached - It is clear that speeds have been limited only on the old numbers or on numbers that BSNL have "shortlisted" as ones being used only for data usage :@



  • BSNL.jpg
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Aman27deep said:
I think people who have downloaded more than 100 GB have been limited. Might be wrong.
LOL you are certainly wrong! :P

Have downloaded close to 500GB by now and no speed drops. Heck I dont have a PC and investing in a bunch of internal drives will be a waste. I am seeking help from my roomie's 2TB drive. :lol:
Gannu said:
LOL you are certainly wrong! :P

Have downloaded close to 500GB by now and no speed drops. Heck I dont have a PC and investing in a bunch of internal drives will be a waste. I am seeking help from my roomie's 2TB drive. :lol:
haha ok, didn't know :P
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