Respected Sir, If Invited surely be helpful.^ yes. pm me ur number. ill add you
pm me or any mod here your phone number to get added.Respected Sir, If Invited surely be helpful.
Please send details once again.
Internet is old too, but we still use it.WhatsApp in 2019![]()
Wonder what made you say so.WhatsApp in 2019![]()
Lol, Official it's not official it's C group run by C, There is another Tech-enclave members groups I know about which run by a member name prub I think.^ I only know one group, the official techneclave group. dont know about any other groups
link it here. ill join in that alsoLol, Official it's not official it's C group run by C, There is another Tech-enclave members groups I know about which run by a member name prub I think.