Narayana Murthy says Indian youth should work 70 hours a week

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Hmm. My understanding was that both the Chinese and the Japanese did pretty long hours (996 and karoshi).
Japan is a destroyed society for a reason. I love Australians in this case where their work hours start from early 8/9 am to 3/4 pm. After 4pm all employees either head to gym or do some recreational activities, no one sits in office after that.
I love Australians in this case where their work hours start from early 8/9 am to 3/4 pm.
Because they can live off their patrimony. Look at Australia's list of exports. They make a lot of money selling raw material. If they need more money. they can sell agricultural land to the chinese.

What options do we have?
Because they can live off their patrimony. Look at Australia's list of exports. They make a lot of money selling raw material. If they need more money. they can sell agricultural land to the chinese.

What options do we have?
Australia was just an example mate. I have seen this with UK as well where local employees are least bothered of work after 4:30 in a 9 to 5 timings whereas their Indian counterparts are ready to work even on weekends and holidays. These are employees of same company by the way. They (Indian employees) even boast this practise in front of other colleagues. It's not like these guys are poor. Employees sitting in UK only laugh at these guys including their managers. It's only us which are tacking pride in this overwork culture sadly.
If they need more money. they can sell agricultural land to the chinese.
Australia agricultural lands is not that costly, if am not mistaken. Only that they have huge tracts of land.

Now China is not that interested in mega factory after Covid19 protests it seems, state of affairs in India now:

Unless Indians bring in good work culture, the country will not progress, that is for sure.
Self demoralizing work culture of Indians is also one of the reason others dislike Indian migrants, as they feel Indians bring in toxic work culture and cheapness to their environment.

Does public facing leaders get sensitivity training in India or they get it from home only to reach this level ?
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This kind of race to the bottom is what allows companies to exploit workers.
Welcome to real life. If you aren't willing to lose some, you will lose everything.

Every soldier, every businessman every politician knows this. Read about how the US lost its manufacturing industry to east Asia. The Japanese (and later the Chinese) kept undercutting them till the Americans businesses became unviable and closed down.
If you aren't willing to lose some, you will lose everything.
She did lose her life. Isn't that everything ?
Does public facing leaders get sensitivity training in India or they get it from home only to reach this level ?
Nah. The saddest aspect is that life has no value. Only when someone dies, the realisation dawns for a brief moment. Then all will be forgotten in a few months once it's replaced by another death or some other event.
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I remember clearly when I interviewed at EY a few years ago.. I told the interviewer in the closing thoughts.. about how I was hoping I would get better work life balance hopefully at EY.. the guy literally smirked and said " work life balance at EY haha "

Just goes to show even the senior hiring managers don't believe in work life balance at EY.
She isn't exactly the low paid undereducated Chinese foxconn worker.
Right, if this is the situation for the so called "blue collar" educated, I cannot imagine the situation for low paid undereducated.
Didn't the family members, who are quoting Frost now, notice any warning signs?
So how does a family member note any warning signs indicating one is about to succumb to stress ?
PS : I would rather have someone qualified enough to answer the above.
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I remember clearly when I interviewed at EY a few years ago.. I told the interviewer in the closing thoughts.. about how I was hoping I would get better work life balance hopefully at EY.. the guy literally smirked and said " work life balance at EY haha "

Just goes to show even the senior hiring managers don't believe in work life balance at EY.
so you are a CA :angelic:
How much responsibility should an employer take for the employee. G-d only know what else is going on in the lives of people I work with.

Many years ago, we had gone to an NIT for campus interview. One of the students, who seemed intelligent, had a few gaps in his resume. On questioning, he told us that he had to undergo some complex medical procedure for his kidneys. Although we liked the guy, the HR rep told us to drop him.

If employers start getting blamed for health related issues, expect more invasive background/medical tests as a part of the selection process in the future.
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Murthy can s*** ** ****

People who equate number of work hours to productivity or money made are extremely low IQ. You can make money by being early, being smarter or working harder. We train our citizens to do none of those things. We are risk-averse as hell so you can forget about the first way to get rich as we're never early to anything. Our middle-class is still malnourished as hell because of their diets which severely lowers our fluid-g on IQ scores, to speak nothing of our poor. That completely shuts down being smarter.

As for working harder, we're deeply, deeply mislead here. Our educational system stresses rote-memorization and test scores over real, practical skills and teaches a fear of failure so deep that it stifles all creativity and intellect. The number of people I saw in my engineering degree who could not wire up a simple circuit or write a fizzbuzz program after 12 years of school, entrance tests and 4 years of college was insane.

It doesn't matter how "hard" you work if you've been trained to be a moron. What really matters is competence. We need a culture that stresses practical competence over everything else. No one cares how hard you worked, what matters is the result. And the two are rarely even that correlated.
Making it look like she had no choice in matter is disingenuous.
There should be some ethics based regulation to limit the extend which a company can force person work.
Otherwise India as a country will never grow, whatever monies one see will be within hands of extremely few. Common man will not get dividend of country's progress, will end up in burnt out scenario.
There should be some ethics based regulation to limit the extend which a company can force person work.
Otherwise India as a country will never grow, whatever monies one see will be within hands of extremely few. Common man will not get dividend of country's progress, will end up in burnt out scenario.
The forced labor the article is talking about are coolies and construction workers, I agree that there should be legislation to prevent exploitation. Most of these are migrant workers who may not even know the language of the place they live in.

CAs are another matter. Most of them are well paid and have desk jobs. Why are you classifying the two of them together?

There are regulations about "working hours". No one ever bothers to enforce it. There was only one rule with my employers. When they paid me money and I had to do work. They didn't care how I got the work done and I didn't want them to.

What will the legislation look like? Will you ask Ambani and Murthy (think of any of the high performers) to work only 40 hrs? Where will the line be?
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