CPU/Mobo Need a good HSF unit for P4 3Ghz NWood.

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Guys i want to buy a good quality HSF unit for my P4 3 gig N/w as the current stock unit simply aint good enough...pls suggest me some good brands which are available in Bombay/pune and do better than the hsf unit tht comes from intel...my budget is around 4-5k...:)

Ohh..i wud be very happy if i can get anything for less than 4k as well...so along wid the good ones pls suggest any entry level hsf unit tht u kno of...:)
less than 4K....

get mask's Tower112, the best u'll get :clap: PM him......
Stalkersoftware said:
IS your a Prescott? If its a northwood then a Prescott heatsink will work very well. ;)

but original preschottt HSF r difficult to find :bleh:
StalkerSoftware said:
I would recomend a XP 120.
If i'm not mistaken none of the Thermalrights are available around India as yet :)
A prescott HSF is a good suggestion though, those are pretty well designed for a stock HSF. Guess perhaps if you're a good buddy with a dealer, he should be able to get you one?
Yup I could not find thermalrights in India. Funky said that he knows of someone who imports thermalrights but i'm not sure. Luckily for me I snagged an XP-90 from bottle :). Its working wonderfully well. My earlier temps(on an A64 3000+ @2.4GHz) used to be 42-43 idle/53-54 load. They've reduced to 35-36 idle and 43-44 load. Thats just simply amazing. If you can get a thermalright, don't even think of anything else. Otherwise get the tower 112 as sunny suggested.
Guys,i'll think of a s/hand unit if i dont get a good new hsf unit... :) so does any1 kno how much can i get the thermaltake tower112 for, here in india..i think thermaltake aint tht difficult to find here,rit? Also are any of the Zalman units gud enough,something tht falls in my budget...?

@Crazy_Eddy :A prescott HSF is a good suggestion though, those are pretty well designed for a stock HSF. Guess perhaps if you're a good buddy with a dealer, he should be able to get you one?

Noah...they r really hard to find..atleast here in pune.. :(

@Sunny :less than 4K....

get mask's Tower112, the best u'll get PM him......

Hey sunny...any idea how much did he buy it for?U kno him personally so hav u seen its performance...wot r his current temps?I may seriously consider this offer if i dont get hold of a new unit...:)

Ps: Also my P4 is northwood...so wil the tower 112 work fine on it?
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Tower112 is available with PrimeABGB. The last time i checked it was Rs.3800/- plus shipping. Its a nice heatsink and a heavy one too. It has support for socket A - AXP/socket 754/939 - A64/socket 478 - P4/ LGA775.

Its a good performer IMO. U can mount 2 fans on it. Been using it for a couple of months now. The Full load temp on my OCed barton never exceeds 15C over the room temperature. I am not giving u the exact figures b'coz its hotter here these days and the Full Load hits 50C sometimes with the room temp at 35C (idle temp - 44C).. Earlier, when the room temp was around 28-29, Full load wud never cross 45C. With the stock heatsink, under similar conditions, the full load temp wud easily hit 70C!

Having said that, a XP120 is still a better option, provided u can source one from somewhere.. I was thinking of selling mine as i dont OC that much these days.. nothing that the stock HSF cant handle.. PM me if u r interested :)
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