Need a PMP under 12k.Help in selecting.!

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techpal said:
Thnx a lot. But I m not able to drag n drop in iTunes.I have another question. Is it safe to jailbreak without bricking my iPod touch.Can you plz guide how to do since I m new to it.

the first time I did the JB, the icons in the doc disappeared and the OS went haywire. Restored the content from backup and tried again and it worked.



1) connect ipod touch to PC. do not open itunes
2) run spirit.exe and click on "Jailbreak". it will take few seconds to JB
3) phone reboots. after reboot, you will see "Cydia" icon which is the appstore from where you can install apps.
4) SBsettings and winterboard are famous apps to change themes/wallpapers etc.
Thats a dumb purchase, congrats and enjoy :)

Poisonblack said:
Since none of the other players in the price range appeal to me, I went ahead and purchased the Touch today.! :hap2:

Currently syncing my music and photos to the touch using iTunes, as I couldn't figure out a way to do it by simple drag-n-drop using Windows Explorer.

Is there a way to create an account in iTunes without providing credit card details.? I won't be purchasing anything from it anytime soon.

Will wait 2-3 days to explore the device before jailbreaking it.In the meantime, any word of advice/caution regarding jailbreaking is most welcome.!
One question.

How to download video files on safari browser? when i try to click download it always says "Not supported by Safari".
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