PC Peripherals Need Fans for a Zebronics Bijli cabinet

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Hi All,

i am running a pretty old configuration (Althlon 64 X2) recently i have added 1 TB WD black, now as summer is coming i see HDD temp rises sometimes to 55

so just want better fans

i have bijli cabinet which came two small fans on side panel , no rear fan, so basically i am looking for 3 fans. 1 for rear and 2 for side panel.

no led needed but fans should be silent.

budget is around 2k for 3 fans.

btw i am running corsair 500W psu which sucks air from inside.

so please let me know which one to buy

Thanks for reading.
rear fan would be 120mm and side fans would be 80mm i guess.
for rear fan get either of scythe or lian li. both are quite silent and throw/ push air effectively.I use both from years and both are very silent. the blue led lian li fan is quite bright and will light up room in dark :D
for the 80mm side fans, most of them dont throw enough air. suggest you to stick with present side fans and see. or if you donot have any sidefans - then get this coolermaster.

Edit: if possible get 2 120mm fans. attach one in front (i think there's some space in bottom of cabinet to mount front fan) and attach other fan as exhaust. side fans dont do anything to cool system i feel. better to close side ventilation holes.
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I think the CoolerMaster fans will fit right into your budget. They have a couple of variants (CFM/Design etc.) to choose from too.

I recall purchasing a few for my old Bijli cabinet. Pretty decent.
Thanks for reply and suggestion,

case already have fan in front,thought of replacing it with better fan..but dropped the idea also no more side fans.

so going to buy just one 120 mm fan for back and will see how it goes and if needed will change front fan too

Thanks again :)
^ yeah. even in mid summer, the hdd should not touch more than 50deg with a 120mm fan blowing air over it. maybe the fan is just not good enough?
I too use the Bijli, but mine are Seagate drives. Temps never go above 45. Check if airflow is there and clean the front insides of cabby.
I suggest this fan since i am using it myself as a rear exaust, it's 120mm so airflow will be optimum.
Regarding WD blacks these are known for running hot so intake fan is always recommended.

I am using 140mm cm fan as a front intake for my wd 1tb black hdd which is running at 39C
montiored today whole day max temp reached to 52..dont know what will happen in peak summer so want to solve it asap

will install exaust first and see how it goes scythe, lian Li or CM, i am inclined towards CM because of low noise rating.

Thanks for your valuable input.
The *only* fan that affects hard drive temperature is the one directly in front of it. You can add fans anywhere else till you're blue in the face and it won't do anything for the drive, in fact haphazard airflow will harm your overall temperatures.

For reference, my 24x7 server uses a (much hotter) WD640AAKS with a very low-flow NZXT case fan in front and three hard disks jammed in on top of it (so not much airflow at all). I rarely see temperatures above 42C - and this is in a sunny duplex room that is at close to 37 degrees during the day. I will be replacing it with an Antec Tricool set on 'high' when I am able to and before peak summers hit.

One hint - plan your airflow like a tunnel and plan for loss in the tunnel. Your overall outflow should be just a bit less than the intake. This typically means similar or identical intake and exhaust, with little to no obstructions. you'd be surprised at how effective this is. I have blocked off every possible intake and exhaust on my CM370 (and it has *many*), and my temperatures are nothing short of spectacular given how hot the room is even now.
Mine also has 4 HDDs jammed on top of each other with no gaps in between, and my 7200 rpm drive does not run hotter than 42 (Max I have seen is 45). The other three are 5900 rpm ones. They dont run higher than 36-38 (Max 42)

By default, the Bijli with no exhaust (only if you have one in the SMPS), thus having positive airflow with the front grille acting like a sorta dust filter. The two side 80mm ones also blow air inside the device. This helping better cooling (readup somewhere)
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okay Thanks everyone for replies and suggestions,

currently i have cleaned everything and noticed front fan was not running so fixed it.. temp are around 40 now.

will replace front fan with better fan in coming days.

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