I just got myself a new system in the evening, I have connected everything and attached the monitor and cabinet wires to the battery back-up sockets and the lan wire and speaker cable to the surge protector plugs. Here's what's happening:
-After switching on the power button of the ups, nothing happens. There's no beep or light even after pressing the button for several seconds.
-The cabinet, monitor and modem aren't geting any power; only the speakers' led light's up
-I haven't done anything else, just connected wires and switched on the ups for the first time.
Any help would be much appreciated.
-After switching on the power button of the ups, nothing happens. There's no beep or light even after pressing the button for several seconds.
-The cabinet, monitor and modem aren't geting any power; only the speakers' led light's up
-I haven't done anything else, just connected wires and switched on the ups for the first time.
Any help would be much appreciated.