Need help in deciding a headphone!

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Hi.. I have been using IEMs from very long time..but wanted to try headphones as i think they are comfortable. IEMs works great when they fit perfectly in the ears..but don't know why all my IEMs seems to slip from my ear..So decided to try headphones. I have shortlisted few.
1) Sony XB400
2) Sony XB600 (worth it for such a high price compared to xb400??)
3) Audio Technica SJ33
4) Audio Technica WS55
5) JBL J55
6) Sony MDR-v55(leaks sound alot!)

I mostly listen to Trance, Pop, chillout/lounge musics.. Yes Bass matters but not overpowering. Budget is tight as I dont want to jump to high end as of now. so I would say Rs4000 max...the lower the better for me

Any advice will be really helpful for me
Thank You
^ The ATH-T500 would be much better than M20 , it costs ~4.2k .. just slightly above the OPs budget.

From the one's in your list ,the WS55 is pretty decent sounding but more like portable . If you want for home usage , the ATH-T500 / ATH-M35 or Sennheiser HD 439/449 are some of your best options :).
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^ If you want for home usage , the ATH-T500 / ATH-M35 or Sennheiser HD 439/449 are some of your best options :).
+1 for T500. will easily serve you for years. very much detailed.
If you need a portable bassy phones, definitely consider XB600 as well;). i have its younger brother XB400 & it totally surprised me with the sound its meant for & delivers for <2k:wideyed:. the bass on these is fabulous. quick with more body and deep. i dont find it to be muddy but yeah at times a bit boomy. sounds warm & smooth with decent details. If treble is your thing, stay away but suits really well for the genres you mentioned. you just cant ask for more in <2k.
Cant say if the extra price for XB600 justify or not but i suppose when the 400s are so fun sounding then how its big brother would be:joyful:. gobs of bass, mids are a bit veiled & good treble from what i'hv heard about them.
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Hi..I am really sorry for not replying as i was stuck with something...thanks alot for the comments...I just now ordered audio technica FC707..I can still cancel the order if i it fine according to you guys?
^ Havent tried it so cant really say .. maybe you can post a mini review once you get it :).
sure :)
i heard from head-fi that is is better than WS55..and got a nice deal couldnt resist..i was actually thinking bout buying jbl j55..but these are not at all famous on web..few who had gave negative feedback...
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