Budget -58.4k (AMD Gaming Rig) GT 710
Processor -AMD Ryzen 5 3500 -12.2k
Motherboard -Asrock B450 Pro 4 -7.3k
RAM -G.Skill SniperX 16GB(8GBx2) 3600Mhz -8.1k (primeabgb.com)
SSD -Kingston A2000 1TB NVME SSD -9.9k
Power Supply -Antec NEO Eco 550M 80+ Bronze -4.1k
GPU -Zotac Gaming GT710 2GB -3.2k
Monitor -BenQ GW2283 22inch LED IPS -8k
Cabinet -Antec NX210 NX -3.5k
KB & Mouse -ANT ESPORTS KM540 Gaming Combo -2.1k (amazon.in)
Total -58.4K
All above prices are taken from vedantcomputers except otherwise specified.
PS: I am quoting only GT710 since the present GPU prices are badly priced so when they become stable go with GTX 1650 Super.