I f I were him, I'd go ffor a Symbian OS phone because of the amount of flexibility they offer the user in terms of choosing the apps and availability of 3rd party apps.....
Not too sure what the cost for the cheapest Symbian phone would be but AFAIK, the Nokia 6600 should come for arnd 11K....
I was using a K700i for a while, and though I have no doubts that the phone is really good, it pales out in terms of geek quotient in comparison to say a Nokia 3230 which I am using now.....
The 3230 was being used by my dad and I swapped mine with him on my last visit home
for the simple reason that the K700i suited his needs better while the Symbian 3230 served mine.....
Now I have loaded it to the gill with a 512 MB card and using it as a :
- Portable game machine by running SNES and NES games like Mario and Sonic using the Symbian SNES/NES simulator
- e-book reader using mobiredaer
- dictionary using MSdict
- browsing the web by hooking it to my home PC over bluetooth + also sync my outlook mails
- remote for my TV using a IR remote app
- remote for my winamp using somthng a utility "controlfreak"
Basically symbian phones allow you to a lot more with ur phone on top of the capabilities bulit into the firmware ...take ur pick
Not too sure what the cost for the cheapest Symbian phone would be but AFAIK, the Nokia 6600 should come for arnd 11K....
I was using a K700i for a while, and though I have no doubts that the phone is really good, it pales out in terms of geek quotient in comparison to say a Nokia 3230 which I am using now.....
The 3230 was being used by my dad and I swapped mine with him on my last visit home

Now I have loaded it to the gill with a 512 MB card and using it as a :
- Portable game machine by running SNES and NES games like Mario and Sonic using the Symbian SNES/NES simulator
- e-book reader using mobiredaer
- dictionary using MSdict
- browsing the web by hooking it to my home PC over bluetooth + also sync my outlook mails
- remote for my TV using a IR remote app
- remote for my winamp using somthng a utility "controlfreak"
Basically symbian phones allow you to a lot more with ur phone on top of the capabilities bulit into the firmware ...take ur pick