Need suggestions for Gaming PC, Budget 23k

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hi guys need help
im confused litil bit

that which is the best processor intel dual core or amd phenom ii X3

which is the best mbo asus or gigabyte

which is the best gpu palit or msi

i need 10 pc for gaming cyber cafe
plz suggest me the best with the budget of 23k per pc
E5200 - 3.5k

Gigabyte G31M-S2L - 2.5k

Palit 9600GT - 4.8k

VIP 500W Silver (FSP OEM) - 1.8k

2GB DDR2 800MHz RAM (Brand your pick) I prefer Corsair - 1.4k

Total - 14k per PC.

Opting for a (cheapest) 17" screen @ 6.2k & WD 250GB HDD @ 2.2k - That should bring the total cost to - 22.4k per PC.

Can't get any cheaper than this. Otherwise you can settle down for a HD4670 with even cheaper PSU.

And maybe downgrade HDD capacity to 160GB instead.
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