Need tips on Paper Presentation on Cloud Computing

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On a Journey called Life :P
As the tile says, I need the Know how to create a Paper presentation :huh:
I do have a small experience on this but not in a proper trend.

So asking experts here how it is prepared and given .

I do Know that we have to do research on topic and then prepare a abstract and intro with content, suggestions etc.

But what is the proper format of creating it in hard copy and about the presentation ;)

Please help me in this one to as Before :P

Thank you for reading :hap2:
Your PPT should have this :

Introduction to Cloud

Other networking before cloud, Grid etc

Building blocks of cloud : SaaS, PaaS,IaaS

Benefits of the cloud

Disadvatages of cloud

Vendors like Amazon, SalesForce etc

Examples : iCloud, Google Docs etc

soft copy should start with title. Keep simplest PPT template, no need to add header & footer or page no.s

Hard copy : Usually start with Certificate, Acknowledgement, Index & Content. As header to each page with title & footer with your college name. Add references at the end.

Let me know if u need anything more :)
Thats a really broad topic.....

I think you are actually aware of what's a paper presentation is!

The title should be specific and some new move/achievement that's achieved or the idea which can give some significant change in the field....

Please, Don't prepare and present a paper for filling your resume...

I have screwed those wannabes in the interview.... (Not to take offense)

Find out a specific topic and precise point of improvement...

Surely that would be useful, beneficial and attractive....
Presentation is more about facts and less about the irrelevant/OT content you put in a slide. I hope you have given presentation earlier if not here are few basic things you need to know.

1. Give a proper introduction about you and your topic with initial greeting ofcourse.

2. Keep the content precise and less. Try and cut the topics in point.

The major factor in the presentation is you and not the slide. So make sure people are looking at you rather than slide. If you put more words in the slide it will be hard for them to grasp.

3. Keep the language at a level so that general audience can grasp you.

4. Try to put images and charts, visuals and images are more easy to grasp.

5. Give out examples as why the CC is important and what effect it will have in upcoming future.

6. Backing your statements with proper example will come handy.

7. Implementation, benefits , cost incurred and transition factors will help people understand the topic more.

Depending on the kind of audience you can increase the amplitude of the article however make sure you keep the content in a limit as the listner can get bored.

Edit : Make sure you don't look at the slide too often, leaves a bad impression. Try and recite the content and follow up with proper explanation.
Thank you Guy's on the Important tip's u have provided ^_^

Still a Question rises that how the paper presentation is create ????? :/

I mean that hard copy :)

ppt is not an problem for me now but is the paper presentation so plz guys help me out on this :)

and thank you guys for replying on the topic :D
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