Try a month free on
SD content - 500/month (1device)
HD content - 650/month (2 devices)
Ultra HD content - 800/month (4devices) ... Same US pricing!
Terms and Conditions:
Payments will be processed internationally, so foreign transaction fees may apply.
Your Netflix membership, which starts with a 1 month free offer, will begin when you click Start Membership. Simply cancel anytime in your first month, and you will not be charged. To cancel, go to "Your Account" and click on "Cancel membership."
No refunds or credits for partial months.
By clicking Start Membership, you authorize us to continue your month-to-month Netflix membership (currently Rs. 500) automatically, charged monthly to the payment method provided, until you cancel. High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (Ultra HD) availability subject to your Internet service and device capabilities. Not all content available in HD or Ultra HD. See Terms of Use for more details.
Settings to be checked out first:
Speed Recommended For Buffer Free Experience:
SD (480p) - 2mbps
HD (1080p) - 5mbps
UHD (4k) - 25mbps
Make sure you have International transactions enabled on your debit card and it should work.
SD content - 500/month (1device)
HD content - 650/month (2 devices)
Ultra HD content - 800/month (4devices) ... Same US pricing!

Terms and Conditions:
Payments will be processed internationally, so foreign transaction fees may apply.
Your Netflix membership, which starts with a 1 month free offer, will begin when you click Start Membership. Simply cancel anytime in your first month, and you will not be charged. To cancel, go to "Your Account" and click on "Cancel membership."
No refunds or credits for partial months.
By clicking Start Membership, you authorize us to continue your month-to-month Netflix membership (currently Rs. 500) automatically, charged monthly to the payment method provided, until you cancel. High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (Ultra HD) availability subject to your Internet service and device capabilities. Not all content available in HD or Ultra HD. See Terms of Use for more details.
Settings to be checked out first:

Speed Recommended For Buffer Free Experience:
SD (480p) - 2mbps
HD (1080p) - 5mbps
UHD (4k) - 25mbps
Make sure you have International transactions enabled on your debit card and it should work.
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