NEW stuff....

Eazy said:
The 8800 GTS was a surprise for me too .... it has upset the well laid out interior of my case... its hitting my 120mm case fan which I attach to the HDD cage :( I lowered this fan by about one inch to avoid contact with the card and my GFX card and CPU temps shot up by 3C :O Could not live with this temp increase to the CPU so I have now attached the Panaflo fan - CPU temp has fallen from 43C to 38C. I use the Zalman fan controller and have set the fan at 1500RPM... it maxes to around 2100 RPM.

The GFX card covers up the A8N-E's chip fan and I am scared this will burn out as I have seen on many people's MoBo. So now I will have to try and get the Thermalright Chip fan HR-05 SLI..... Thermalright HR-05 SLI .... anyone donating ?

About the Photo tutorial thingy .... check what Chaos has written in the Photo thread... good info ....

u do not need to worry about the gfx card covering the chipset fan. what are the chipset temps like?
stormblast said:
u do not need to worry about the gfx card covering the chipset fan. what are the chipset temps like?

Where do you see the chipset temp ? Is that what I always thought was the mobo/air temp ? THAT reading is around 36C most of the day.

I was not happy to have the Panaflo blowing air thru the heat sink and onto the GFX card which is about 1.5 inches away (my 6600GT died because of stuff which was blown off my Zalman copper heat sink and short circuited the GFX card :( ) so today I reversed the fan and the air direction is now away from heat sink ...... and..... the CPU temp has fallen by 3C !!! The CPU temp is now shown as one degree below the case/chip temp !! GREAT !!

I have read in mod forums that cooling temps are very good when the fan is attached from under the fins of this SI-128 heat sink - this requires cuting off some parts of the heat sink which I am not ready to do :(
Eazy...congrats on your purchase. Man....get some games and at least test that 8800 GTS dude.

Which proccy are you using? Is it oc'ed? Me wondering if I could do the same thing with my proccy. I don't wanna use water cooling(too messy) and just wanna run my proccy at stock without a fan.
sydras said:
....get some games and at least test that 8800 GTS dude.

Which proccy are you using? Is it oc'ed? Me wondering if I could do the same thing with my proccy. I don't wanna use water cooling(too messy) and just wanna run my proccy at stock without a fan.
I did try out some games ... hmmm ... lets see .... Tetris - Pacman - space invaders - Dune 2 (DOS based) - Asteroid - Mario Bros - frogger - Freecell - Minesweeper - Solitaire....... I am pleased to report all worked fine :eek:hyeah:

Running AMD 3000+ 939 Venice.... this is the bottle neck in my setup :( .....No OC'ing for me .... I have run into problems with HDDs whenever I have oc'ed - even tho I make sure PCI bus is NOT OC'ed.

I ran Heat Sink without a fan - it was getting air from front case fan - but the 8800 GTS was too long for my case (Antec P160) and it was being pressed hard by the case fan - so I had to lower the fan below the cards level and now no air flow to heat sink from this fan and the heat sink started to overheat - I am trying to find a place for a fan to blow air onto the heat sink and if this works out I intend to remove the Heat Sink's fan.
:p Write a book sir on how to make the correct friends....I have a hunch it will be a bestseller:rofl: :rofl:

p.s :Jokes apart congrats on the gifts
raj_pol said:
Write a book sir on how to make the correct friends....I have a hunch it will be a bestseller:rofl: :rofl:

Such a book has already been written .... "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie ... :tongue:

sydras said:
36C is good dude. My socket 939 AMD 4000+ proccy and board are running at around 46C. Should I worry?

Improve case cooling ... may help.... use bigger faster fans ....

I now have 5 120mm fans in my case. I think if I disconnect all the cables at the back it will fly on its own :)