I have no issues of ping here on these server.
Getting fantastic pings, 15-25 range.
But noone ever plays on this server.
I went there stayed for 10 minutes noone joined and i quit.
I would like to stay with sgwargames. We get people to play on these servers.
And deejay i havent seen anyone abuse the admin power to degrading level on te server.
Autoaim is not some cheat that only admins can use. its a hack and mind you there are pros out there who will kill you before you even get time to react with pistol.
We had 2 game rounds so far of 10000 health and that was purely for fun with stats disabled. I think your nephew was slayed couple of times and was warned that he will be kicked because he most of the times camp in some corner with gun or sniper, never completes mission or goes to plat/defuse bomb
Dont even think about kicking someone if they dont die when you spray entire clip on them with AK, most of the times if you empty complete clip of ak on someone there is good chance you are not hitting him.
AK is accurate only in short burst, you spray and you start missing. The person will kill you with pistol if you keep doing that. Its not hack, after you do this check the logs and see how much damage you actiually gave to other person you will know you barely given him 20-30 damage if you spray ( luck aside
