New Year's Resolutions??

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Mine is to start studying. Till now I've passed everything barely studying anything, need to become a nerd now.

Gannu said:
To quit smoking. Time is running too short I am afraid. :'(

My friend quit smoking this year, it was tough for him, but he say's now he feel's way better! SO, good luck!
Gannu said:
To quit smoking. Time is running too short I am afraid. :'(

I quit some weeks back, avoid smoking zones, avoid touching cigarettes. I've tried quitting many times (haven't we all?) but have been able to keep it at bay for 6 months tops. This time, no smoking.
No Resolutions from now on, since not able to complete even one... :@

If I want to change something I would change it immediately or not at all... :cool2:
One of us will quit smoking...and for the three of us, we will try to keep the headphone inventory in the house under 200k.
I never make resolutions, because I know Jan 1 is nothing special except the change in year's digits. There's nothing that will magically force me to make good of that resolution than any of the other 364 days of the year :P

As for 2011....

  • I did plan to clean out my over burdened audio inventory and did just that - though net-net, I spent much more this year than last. Less gear, but more costly ones.
  • I planned to completely sell off my speaker setup and move to headphone audio. Have completed the first part and have nearly completed the latter.
  • I planned to upgrade my home theater setup. Have almost completed it.

My "resolution" for 2012 is already in my signature - I just plan to complete the three setups - Portable (almost complete, needs a custom IEM), headphone setup (needs a DAC), home theater setup (a few more things) and sell off the ones I do not require. None of them are "dream" setups or costly, just the ones that suit my requirements more.
Planned a lot of stuff :

1> Quit smoking ....:P

2> sleep time 12 - 8

3> reduce weight atleast 15kg

4> Only occasional drinks

I think that's all for this year .. :P

1.get my sleep done right(6hrs a day is killing me:()

2.Complete both of my setups.

3.Study :bleh:
I have a resolution.

Try remembering the resolution made at new years on 31st December of the same year :bleh:

After that maybe I can start spending wisely, get thin and tell my ex to sod off (oh how hard this one is I tell you)

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Oh ya and to sleep well and at proper times.
Not to bother with any more new resolution, and to stop being a data hog. 700GB of :wtf: . I had no idea it had bloated so much.
new year resolution (copy pasted from last year :P)

  • Regular to Gym. Else I would be completing century before both Sachin and Petrol. :P
  • Of course quit smoking is on the list. again.
  • learn at least one programming language or similar (among java/python/jquery) - planned to develop a blog site 2 years ago - its again on the list.

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