Newegg calling India!

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If you read carefully, the duty is added with the tax. Anyway, not worth it at the moment. A $169 GPU is coming to about $285 after adding tax, duty & shipping.
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Newegg isn't for your everyday shopping site, at least not now. If they (could) give free shipping like what amazon did with their global shipping then I can buy some stuff which aren't available here. But I'm not sure how good/bad are letting 3rd party sellers sell their wares on their site.
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Newegg isn't for your everyday shopping site, at least not now. If they (could) give free shipping like what amazon did with their global shipping then I can buy some stuff which aren't available here. But I'm not sure how good/bad are letting 3rd party sellers sell their wares on their site.
Keeping fingers crossed.
FDI in E-commerce would change things. I wish Govt Introduces it soon.

First they should introduce and get more FDI in manufacturing. After a few years of that should 100% FDI in retail be allowed.
Also, more importantly, labour laws and minimum wages should be raised and strictly enforced. Otherwise, the disparity between rich and poor will increase exponentially.
I remember people having heated debates on FDI. Bur honestly i don't understand if its good or bad. Will someone shed some light on this shortly? :S
Next month government is also considering the FDI in ecommerce, let's see how it goes.
They've already considered it and decided not to do anything, basically the existing law stays in effect.

So the question is why are these companies coming to India if nothing has changed ? why does amazon decide to pump in $2 billion of late. Has a new loophole opened up in some other area that makes it more interesting than before.

Browsing around the site i find the selection to be rather limited and not competitive right now.
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This is a nice article I came across today. It is a very good blog as well.
man, this is about farming and not about why these companies are trying to open up in India.

The problem with farming in India is because 80% of plots are 5 acres or less. This you can thank Nehru for bringing in his 'land to the tiller' reforms and getting rid of zamindars. The reason fewer people are required in farming in the west is the plots are massive and economies of scale make them very productive.

A cooperative idea is on the right path but what i'm thinking of is more along the lines of a condominium as in different parties pool their land together to create a bigger plot and increase output. land titles are going to have to be watertight for this to succeed though. Famers own their plot but part of a larger whole rather than tiny ones as is the case presently.
So the question is why are these companies coming to India if nothing has changed ? why does amazon decide to pump in $2 billion of late. Has a new loophole opened up in some other area that makes it more interesting than before.

Probably to create a brand and awareness. They are probably thinking 20 years in the future..!
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