Next game in NFS series

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Yea its not right to comment that EA never raises it GFX levels.. Considering introduction of other high-perf gamez in E3 obviously EA would have thought something better up its sleeve this time.. :ohyeah:

Although somethings like 'Underground 2' environment, Customized controls, Ferrari-Porsche breed cars, etc. seem to be obviously present in this editon considering the trend. But still the name is quite 'out-of-the-blue' and couldnt really think wat it includes.. Any guesses anyone?? ;)
NEurodrOne said:
Yea its not right to comment that EA never raises it GFX levels..

EA does, but not by a huge margin. They prefer to play it safe most of the time. Not that that is a bad thing or anything.

bluffmaster said:
We Have Not seen even One Screen-shot of the game , so we absolutely cannot speculate on the system Requirements

You can form a rough estimation based on how previous titles have progressed in terms of graphics up untill now.
Bluffmaster said:
Thats BULLSHIT ! We Have Not seen even One Screen-shot of the game , so we absolutely cannot speculate on the system Requirements ! For God Sake.... We Dont even know whether Carbon would be a DX 10 game or a DX 9 game !:S
Tone down! He isnt techboy and he isnt asking for immediate help for a buying decision for NFS.
Speculation can be based on various other factors than just screenshots.
You can form a rough estimation based on how previous titles have progressed in terms of graphics up untill now.
Thanks for CKnish for not turning this into a flame war. :ohyeah:
Well as for educated guess I would say a 6600GT to play the game at medium settings on minimum acceptable frame rate. With maybe a few of effects turned off since it might very well be a DX10 game.
From reviews i've read, a 6600GT can handle NFS:MW at full res and max settings, even if only just barely. I expect the same for the 6800GT this time, maybe.
Ck Nish said:
From reviews i've read, a 6600GT can handle NFS:MW at full res and max settings, even if only just barely. I expect the same for the 6800GT this time, maybe.

Yeha i have tested my cards

gfx all high give me 20-25 fps at 1024 res,

gfx with hrd off and textur set to medium give me around 45-50 fps at 1024 res.:hap2:

but my monitor native res is 1280X1024, which i have to run all the games at medium at that res gfx.
the system requirements will be high..since it is a pS3 game ..we can derive an analogy from the fact that its a PS3 game..and with the kind of graphics cards being churned out by ATI n NVIDIA now i wont be surprised to see GRAW like requirements..
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