CPU/Mobo nForce4 Mobo with Onboard Graphics?

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i made an AMD64 3000+ on MSI-RS480 ATi Xpress200 chipset motherboard day before & was pleased with the Performance of the Onboard Graphics. its a good mobo for occasional gamers -- or for the STARTERS who dont wanna Spend hefty 35% to 70% of their total system cost on the Gfx card alone.

Just was curiorus to know are their any Socket939 nforce4 chipset motherboards with similar performance onboard graphics solution. As im not much into AMD world i w;d like to have some details abt such boards available or not Available in india.

i guess as of now with the pricing of 939 chips the manufactuers assume that the only people investing in their products would be those interested in performance. And a majority of them wouldnt need and integrated soln. Probly when the prices of the procies fall we'll see more of them.
i agree the NF4's are for the Enthusiasts & not for cost-effective solutions but i see the onboard Graphics as a good BACKUP solution also, consider some Problem with ur GPU so atleast u dont have to check for a Cheapo gfx card for the backup till warranty clears up.
Hmm, that's great news !

That way people on a low budget can spend more on thier mobo than worry about a GFX card.. Performance should be decent too, as my nForce2 had a onboard GeForce2 and it was as good as a standalone card then.
Geforce 6200 TurboCache type integrated graphics

Onboard gfx wouldnt require TC as they will be using the system memory nevertheless. Hence dual channel memory, will be really benefecial here.
nforce 2's come along with geforce 4 mx's. the original nforce (1) igp comes with a geforce 2mx
Aces170 said:
Onboard gfx wouldnt require TC as they will be using the system memory nevertheless. Hence dual channel memory, will be really benefecial here.

Isnt the very concept of Turbocache to effectively use system memory? :P

Dual channel memory might not directly benefit the graphics chip as the memory controller is integrated with the CPU, not externally in a northbridge.
TC uses the PCIE bandwith to use the system memory. If thats a faster option then they will use that ( I DOUBT THOUGH) .

Dual channel memory might not directly benefit the graphics chip as the memory controller is integrated with the CPU, not externally in a northbridge.

Nice point there, I dont think they will loop the bandwith from THE CPU's memory controller for the GPU ( Is it even possible) other options left is dedicated RAM.
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