CPU/Mobo nForce4 SLI Motherboard Roundup

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Yup...had rad tht article and had posted it here few days ago....but v dont hav dfi here :bleh:
also thy hav mentioned the asus nd dfi r very stable...which makes the asus a great choice in india
According to me, MSI is the best buy. The price to performance ratio is very good. I m only talking about the motherboard.

SLi isn't a healthy upgrade at the moment. It would be money waste. If someone is opting for SLi he should get double the frame rates which isnt happening. The drivers are a major factor. Its no use going for it. When voodo developed it, they were all about double the frame rates.
all those price performance ratios go out of window when we see at indian market.
Seriously. DFI is not available.
MSI will be made available on order and costs friggin 17K.
ASUS on other hand is widely available for around 13.5k. Now do we have many options there?
Your homeworks wrong there. MSI can be (with some hardwork) can be found in Nehru Place for a Delhi Computer Buyer at a price of around 11.5k. Please check the hardware prices post for more information.
You could get A8N-SLI Deluxe for just about the same price here in Chennai. And the nf4 boards of MSI don't seem to have good retail/support base here at least to my knowledge. The Chennai pros may know better.

With the MSI neo4 platinum Ultra, there have been issues with posting into windows at FSB > 219 MHz. Not sure about the SLI ones though. And didn't I read somewhere that MSI's SLI bridge is flimsy ?
MSI have some awesome Price: performance boards. But they have one of the worst support ever in India ( Cant they find someone better then Priya ) also their availibity is pathetic....

I would stick with Asus, they are solid boards + good support here in India.
nope. There is lot of confusion regarding MSI boards.
Distributors made lot of mess and confused themself in K8N DIAMOND and K8N NEO4 Platinum.
What some dealers have with them is MSI K8N NEO4 Platinum which is not the SLI board and that costs around 11K-11.5K.
MSI K8N Diamond on other hand is SLI board and costs a lot more.
Many people thought they are ordering SLI board and due to mistake partly on their side and partly on distributor side what they end up getting is the Platinum board which is NF4 Ultra chipset and not NF4 SLI. My friend went through this problem but luckily the dealer agreed that mistake was made and gave him A8N SLI when he paid Rs.2K more.
The mSI SLI board is still not available anywhere in mumbai. On order only and that to not sure.
Aces170 said:
MSI have some awesome Price: performance boards. But they have one of the worst support ever in India ( Cant they find someone better then Priya ) also their availibity is pathetic....

I would stick with Asus, they are solid boards + good support here in India.

That's just about the feeling that I've too right now. Apparently an MSI board replacement might take months in Chennai.
funkymonkey said:
nope. There is lot of confusion regarding MSI boards.
Distributors made lot of mess and confused themself in K8N DIAMOND and K8N NEO4 Platinum.

I think MSI is also a party to this mess because same confusion exists in the US between Diamond and Platinum SLI.

Well, here's a summary of all nf4 boards from MSI:

1. MSI Neo4-F (vanilla nforce4)
- available in India/US
2. MSI Neo4 Platinum (nforce4 Ultra)
- available in India/US - price in India should be 10.5K. If you're paying more you're getting fleeced - don't ask me why though.
3. MSI Neo4 Platinum SLI (nforce4 SLI)
- available in US; India I ain't very sure, but looks like it isn't
4. MSI Diamond
- Chip magazine had an article on it titled "Diamond or Dud". Joke apart, I think it is ridiculously priced. This board is available in India but AFAIK it isn't targeted toward US market though people have recd. the Diamond board when they wanted the Platinum SLI

So, that's the MSI soup !
How much time is left for some other new technology to come out that will make us think about changing our motherboards?I mean something like a new socket or a new slot or anything......

Will the A8N-SLI last for another 2 years or will there be a new socket for processors or something of that sort by next year?
Well AMD will prolly come out with its socket 1207 with ddr2 in 2006, so i dont see the a8n lasting for like 2 years from now.
Yea the a8n sli can handle dual cores whn they come out...so kindda gud...if ur gettin them now...thts why ppl r goin for 939socket if thy r buyin now..
Technology's keep changing nothing will last for 2 years. Now it all depends on your usage requirements.
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