H@cKer said:^
psp version was released earlier,so its on mininova.

but in see this in amazon its still in preorder ..
Amazon and vgreleases
H@cKer said:^
psp version was released earlier,so its on mininova.
cranky said:I can already hear the new game being rechristened (hint, drop the 'f') by arcade-happy teenyboppers who want to see cop racing and open worlds.
NFS has pretty much gravitated to a two-format genre, so this is closer to Pro Street than Underwear (or whatever that idiotic game was called). I guess 2010 is the turn of the kids once again, but for now we can expect a game that will at least have a realistic feel to the controls.
tells me all I need to know about the reviewer. Jeez.
Ethan_Hunt said:For one, the frame rates are lousy. I tried switching OFF shadows and lowering motion blur detail, but it still hovers in 28-30 range. The more vehicles the more you tank your frame rates. The graphics aren't impressive either. But then again I guess you guys can give it a shot and form your own opinion. I'd stick to GriD.