Nirbhaya documentary: Why Javed Akhtar, Anu Aga's views differ completely


I was delighted to see the vigor with which Javed Akhtar spoke. Such questions are as obvious as the answers themselves. We have successfully shielded discussions to come up at national level because we are yet to break that barrier.

While i am fully of the opinion that the documentary should have been aired and repeatedly so, is the Indian level good enough to allow the cobwebs of the psyche get cleaned up upon viewing such content? I personally believe it had the potential to turn ugly since we have a high number of people (females included) who dont have basic sense/value for the quality of life.

Very true fact has been raised by Javed Akhtar and appreciate that there are many to agree with his point. I have seen the documentary it shows the world the incident, the mentally of the rapist and our poor society belief depicted by the lawyers.
Why cant we just act than having just long discussions with no results. I think now its time to act.
Hope you remember how much that boy suffered when his girl/friend got brutally raped in front of him, himself beaten down violently, and his mental torments which will haunt till his death. He is not a victim, only women can be victims? He's got no soul ? I would've shown same feeling for you, if similar mishap happened to you, though.
Please see my replies below:

1. I do remember what the boy went through.
2. Where did I say, he is not a victim...? (But women are victimized/abused in far greater numbers, in India vs. men).
3. Yes, the girl was a victim.
4. He has a soul, since he is alive.
5. Thanks for wishing me ill-will.
6. Thanks for the good-will hypothetical sympathy once (5) happens.
7. I thought, you were not going to reply to me anymore, since you know "what I am".

Man, you should smell roses after getting up in the morning, it will do good to your mind. And don't use pink tainted glasses, should clear your vision and brains.

I do not have roses in my balcony as of now. But I am getting into plants. I have some Hibiscus which are flourishing beautifully. I usually wear black shades, or light blue light transparent ones. And this is the second time I am telling you: Please can you mind your language around all this, directed at me. It is not nice. Please. Thanks. All I can do is request you. If you do not like what I am penning down here, either: A) Reply in a civil manner, or B) Ignore me.[DOUBLEPOST=1426132718][/DOUBLEPOST]
so it is somewhat confirmed that the nagaland issue was consensual. whats shocking is the new events folding out.

Yea, I read that angle some days back. It is all over the news. It is almost like pseudo-Jim Crow; 21st Century....!
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It is good to know that you also considers that man a victim now, not just that woman.

Your comments akin to blanket blaming man for woman's problems, with out any responsibility whatsoever from woman's part, making own statement that you are not a femi-nazi ironically comical.

If you can make such statements, other also can make such statements generically against women, but I cannot swoop down to that level of yours. So I maee some simple jokes which can rhyme with the scene.

Rather than discussing real world life, not blinded by prejudices by ideologies which is already being thrown in dustbin in west and places where it originated, initiated havoc in those societies, you are eager to import that to India.

You should have discussed facts on the ground, I wanted to shake some sense into you, thats all.
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Please see my responses below:

^^ Most of your comments are generically blanket blaming man for woman's problems,
Yes, they are blanket statements, cause our society is a blanket. It envelopes all aspects of our ADLs and operational mechanisms. The problems I have listed, are they not instigated and made de facto primarily by men. Is it not men, which run and control our society and households..?

with out any responsibility whatsoever from woman's part,
And what should be the responsibility of women..? Please tell me. When they are gawked at, whistled at, felt up in public transport, raped, killed in the womb, cross questioned about their attire and attitude when they report a "man-handling", burnt for dowry, prosecuted at home for dowry, mocked when they give birth to a female, shown to be a burden since they come to their senses, dealt abusive battery by husbands, given second preference for food/milk, denied higher education, married off early, not allowed to divorce/separate and told to live their life at the husbands house, cause that is HER house now, giving up careers/jobs after child birth. Or is this all for the holy grail - Y chromosome..? What can women do around this, apart from raising their voices...? Or is there a third element instigating all this. PLEASE: tell me the responsibility of women in the above list..? I am begging you..? Yes, some of the above is female - on - female occurrences: but where is the responsibility of us men..? If we truly are the patriarchal rulers of the Indian household..? Tell me..?

making own statement that you are not a femi-nazi ironically comical.
You all ready have a PoV about me, based on my posts, what more can I say. Good it tickled your fancy....! :)

If you can make such statements, I can also make such statements generically against women, but I cannot swoop down to that level of yours.
You are free to post what you want...! So highlighting the doings of our society by men is stooping down low. LOL. What more can I say, @Prole73. The statements which I have made above, and generally in this thread: Are actually what happens here in India. It is the national average and daily activity. Why should that be low-balling against men.

Rather than discussing real world life,
I am.

not blinded by prejudices by ideologies which is already being thrown in dustbin in west and places where it originated, initiated havoc in those societies,
Yea, because the Western world has rapidly given equal status to women, and not subjugate them like we do in India. Women are much more free and independent than here in India. That is the havoc. Yes, they have more divorces and split families, but those are separate aspects than to what we are discussing them here.

you are eager to import that to India.
We can at least make a start, rather than copy-post, and become a paranoid nation. Is empowering women really that scary..?

You should have discussed facts on the ground,
I am discussing on the ground. I mentioned it all above. Thanks.

I wanted to shake some sense into you, thats all.
Thanks for the help, @Prole73. I am tuned into reality, that is enough to jerk my senses.

So, if you are into plants,
Yea, started some time back.

you can start buying some rose plants now
Roses are totally a different ball-game. They need high maintenance and a lot of practice and care. Maybe after six months. I might get some Lily-of-the-Night. They let off a beautiful/mild and soothing fragrance.

Thanks, at least you are smiling.
I all ready replied to you, guess you edited your post. Which is fine. Here I go again:

It is good to know that you also considers that man a victim now, not just that woman.
I never denied the fact, that the boy did not go through a harrowing experience. That does qualify as being a victim, too...!

Your comments akin to blanket blaming man for woman's problems, with out any responsibility whatsoever from woman's part, making own statement that you are not a femi-nazi ironically comical.
Replied above.

If you can make such statements, other also can make such statements generically against women, but I cannot swoop down to that level of yours. So I maee some simple jokes which can rhyme with the scene.
From I --> me, to I --> others. Same context, I guess. Replied above. Your jokes are funny, though.

Rather than discussing real world life, not blinded by prejudices by ideologies which is already being thrown in dustbin in west and places where it originated, initiated havoc in those societies, you are eager to import that to India.
Replied above.

You should have discussed facts on the ground, I wanted to shake some sense into you, thats all.
Replied above, though you removed the line about roses. Fine. Ignore my comment above, I am not editing mine...!
Then there is no point coming out after the documentary released and calling it fake. right?
I see two things... its either the director's lack of will to pursue him for an interview or the guy and his lawyers not willing to give it at any cost. either ways, this documentary needs more depth.
I don't understand the choice of the word 'fake' here. Is he in a competing documentary .

he should clarify otherwise i wont put too much stock in it.
^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India. There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it. So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims. Getting reminded of hippie era. I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities. We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only. We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.

As for a starting:
^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India. There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it. So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims. Getting reminded of hippie era. I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities. We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only. We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.

As for a starting:

Seriously, we Indians have a value system? This is news to me

So its because of our so called Indian value system that the Supreme Court is still to confirm the punishment of the Nirbhaya case accused even though the case has been with the Supreme Court for almost a year now?

So its because of our so called Indian value system that the Indian Judicial System has almost 3 months of holidays in a year even though we have a huge back log of cases
BTW go and check how many holidays the U.S. Supreme court has for example

I am not saying that India has more cases of rape or crimes against women than other countries, but the problem with India is that arrest and punishment of the accused, be it rape or any crime in India is a very long time consuming affair which should not be tolerated any longer.

Its high time we people raised our voices for Judicial Reforms starting with the main point that the Judicial System should have the same holidays as the declared goverment holidays and no more summer and winter breaks
Documentary wars

Partly few of the points I was trying to make,

1. India is better than Europe and USA for crimes against women,

2. Majority of Indian men are not of rapist mentality

3. We have reacted very well, against a barbaric crime, things are improving slowly but steadily.

Should help curing some pessimistic thinkers, West supremacy supporters

1 Is it really? In what way? Less crimes reported per capita? That stat is meaningless considering the stigma faced by the victims. Better reaction to crimes? Have you ever seen what goes into reporting a rape in India? How the police react against it? Better justice system to punish the criminals? Should I even bother dignifying that with a response? Genuinely curious how you meant its better?

2 Is that an argument anyone in this thread is making? I dont think so. Instead here is a better question - Would you be willing to bet that men who think "late night/short clothes/drunk girl deserved it" are in the minority? There arent really any stats to back it up but somehow I very seriously doubt that.

3 Debatable. But I can let that one go. Maybe things are improving. Maybe they arent. Maybe they are getting worse. Slow change is difficult to see if you are living through it.

This isnt really about being pro west. Or if the west is worse. The people who are trying to make that argument sound like me when I used to tell my parents that the exam was difficult and everyone got low marks so its not just me.
Seriously, we Indians have a value system? This is news to me

Hahaha, we've one. The one we deserve. This was also new to that innocent guy who got lynched in Dimpaur, accused for most inhenous crime Indian man can be accused of.

So its because of our so called Indian value system that the Supreme Court is still to confirm the punishment of the Nirbhaya case accused even though the case has been with the Supreme Court for almost a year now?

No, because any justice system, irrelevant of gender, cast, creed and belief, should focus on truth. The truth that they can also be taken for a ride.

So its because of our so called Indian value system that the Indian Judicial System has almost 3 months of holidays in a year even though we have a huge back log of cases
BTW go and check how many holidays the U.S. Supreme court has for example

Everyone needs a break, unlike Mahatma Ghandhi, who is ridiculed to his core and is an alleged British Spy these days. You get the justice you deserve. To an extend, no man is an innocent.

I am not saying that India has more cases of rape or crimes against women than other countries, but the problem with India is that arrest and punishment of the accused, be it rape or any crime in India is a very long time consuming affair which should not be tolerated any longer.

Because, we Indians are as hardcore opportunistic as we can get. If court go by women logic, thousands of innocent men will be erratically punished and vice versa. A court needs to be impartial and it take time to make intelligent decisions. The number of suits you make for a third world country and the quality you expect does not match.

Its high time we people raised our voices for Judicial Reforms starting with the main point that the Judicial System should have the same holidays as the declared government holidays and no more summer and winter breaks

So, holidays are only your problem ? Let us have more judges who can make correct, legal, rational judgement which upholds truth to it's high essence. Why deny them holidays ? At least, he deals with lot of shit than an average school teacher.
When the judicial system is taking about 3 months of holidays every year even with a huge backlog of cases thats a cause for concern.

Have you ever tried teaching a class full of children or even college students? Believe me thats the most hectic job you will ever have, its physically and mentally exhausting (My mom was a teacher so i know) Comparatively judges have a more relaxed job than teachers

Also the huge backlog of cases proves that judges are not doing their jobs properly and most have them have poor knowledge of the legal system, so its high time that their holidays are cut down and they are made to work more
^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India.
really ?

There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it.
it means she gets a council flat with rent paid by the govt. if she wants to do nothing with her life then this is a plan. Course they give you only enough to get by. its not an easy life by any stretch. being a single mother never is. So to do so is a rather dumb life decision. any parents nightmare if there even any parents around. but some will not listen or they want to escape.

So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims. Getting reminded of hippie era. I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities.
Hope i enlightened you :)

We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only. We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.
Stop it with the butt hurt sentiment.
1 Is it really? In what way? Less crimes reported per capita? That stat is meaningless considering the stigma faced by the victims. Better reaction to crimes? Have you ever seen what goes into reporting a rape in India? How the police react against it? Better justice system to punish the criminals? Should I even bother dignifying that with a response? Genuinely curious how you meant its better?

2 Is that an argument anyone in this thread is making? I dont think so. Instead here is a better question - Would you be willing to bet that men who think "late night/short clothes/drunk girl deserved it" are in the minority? There arent really any stats to back it up but somehow I very seriously doubt that.

3 Debatable. But I can let that one go. Maybe things are improving. Maybe they arent. Maybe they are getting worse. Slow change is difficult to see if you are living through it.

This isnt really about being pro west. Or if the west is worse. The people who are trying to make that argument sound like me when I used to tell my parents that the exam was difficult and everyone got low marks so its not just me.
1. Rape is a difficult crime, either to prove or disprove. Unfortunately the judicial system relies on evidence, which are hard to come by. You can't punish someone just on the face of a complaint. It's akin to mob justice in Nagaland, where the premise of rape itself is questionable now.

Do you know what is the amount of false rape claims are registered in this country? Since you conveniently ignore statistical evidence it's pointless to argue.
Even if you consider tip of iceberg phenomenon for rape reporting in India, on the basis of statistics per capita crime against women in India is less. It's on the basis of statistics tabulated by Western world, same people who made the documentary.

2. It's the oversimplified generalization shown in the documentary that says : most of Indian men are of patriarchal mentality so they're potential rapists or accountable for the increased crime against women.

Does just a change in patriarchal mindset will stop the rapes? Or the better way to put is, how the countries without a patriarchal mindset fare in crime against women? Statistically worse than the countries with patriarchal mindset ! So even the change in mindset won't bring about what we're expecting. How come KSA records the lowest crime rates? Are they less patriarchal than West?

So It's not the just the changes in mindset, it's a strict law and order enforcement mechanism needs to be in place.
We strictly lack a proper law and order systems , we don't have any respect to the law and order. It's not just for rapes it's all crimes in general. Accompanied by a slow judiciary.

But how do the countries with better law enforcement fare, have they been able to stop such crimes? No
So it requires something more than change in mindset.

3. Mindsets are definitely changing after 2012, if not nobody would have shown this much interest on this topic, in a hardcore tech forum. Imagine the same post on TE before 2012..

Yes I'd rather console myself that my school mates scored less along with me, and try to improve in my next exams, rather than go in to depression that I couldn't score, when others also scored poorly. Because I understand that results at the end of the day depends on many variables apart from individual talent.
^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India. There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it. So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims. Getting reminded of hippie era. I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities. We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only. We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.

As for a starting:

You are basing your entire argument on something one guy you know in the UK told you? And then you lecture that "TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities."

Thanks for opening my eyes oh almighty Prole.
@letmein, whether facts get exposed from a single man (in fact, heard a lot from that region, but it was refreshing to hear directly from a UK guy. Even otherwise you have lot of different sources to know all this), or not shouldn't matter. Let fact stay facts, and let me help you hold that eye of yours bit more open:

Hear from what @blr_p said:

" means she gets a council flat with rent paid by the govt. if she wants to do nothing with her life then this is a plan. Course they give you only enough to get by. its not an easy life by any stretch. being a single mother never is. So to do so is a rather dumb life decision. any parents nightmare if there even any parents around. but some will not listen or they want to escape..."

Tell me how that is not irrational.

And I'm not saying India is better than other developed countries, everyone know the position we are in. I was just pointing out the fact that even developed countries have their own problems, some, may be more severe than India's. They are not some heavens where everything happens perfectly the way you wish and dream. But people there does not go putting the entire blame on their country, it's rulers, society and their value systems.

btw, about Indian values. If you have had no values and systems, you wouldn't be arguing here as an Indian. At least some here, seems not liking the freedom from enslavement by British and how it was attained. Leaders from other countries learned a lot from us and appraise that fact.

And man, can you read that comment of yours again? Doesn't it sound immature ?

And for those who want quick justice, there is no argument that in India there is delay in addressing such cases. I think, at least current Govt. is address this the way it is possible for them. But, quick justice also leads to false positives, ignore Dimapur case, many rape cases are being reported as false claims. Not to mention 498A which even supreme court want to modify. Quick justice was also served to boys in that Rohtak sisters case, their life went to turmoil over gimmick of few scums. People tend to misuse law and innocent may go to jail, which will lead to far severe problems.

The topics we are discussing here should be studied more in-depth and intellectually as it have more influence on society in long run. It is not solely for few uneducated politicians or law makers to decide over this. We should get a more balance view over such matters, that is only what I wanted to convey.
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Some questions and inputs from my side:

^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India.
That quite a subjective statement. What does it exactly mean. What is difficult when one is poor in the UK vs. India...? Eating, getting shelter, medical facilities. Access to social security. Or since we are discussing it, poverty in UK inculcates habits of dire living for women...? So tomorrow, if someone is broke in the UK, they would have a better life being penniless here in India..? I find that far-fetched. It is not an honest comparison.

There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it.
Is this related to the above line..? Or is it a isolated statement..? Cause it does not make sense to me, in the diaphragm of this paragraph. Anyways, just to let you know: here people do not even talk about the child if it is girl, post-birth. Is that not worse...? Teen age pregnancy is an issue in the West. You are saying, this can be curtailed, how..? By harnessing the freedom yoke of women -to- the hands of males..? Or is it a forerunner of the so called liberty and freedom which women have achieved (or granted by men), in the West..? Is not pregnancy a dual factor process...? Or does the jurisprudence only fall on the mantle of the child-carrier..? Who or what should be blamed here. Society at large or just the anatomical quantum of women's freedom..?

So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims.
What is freedom with responsibility, @Prole73..? How can the fabric of society be ductile and malleable, if the basic functions of human habitat and operational mechanisms are not liberated. We will cease to live in peace, and always be angry and volatile to each other. The fundamental core is: people (read females, specially in India), should be allowed to venture into the world and do what they desire. There is no need for an over-arching holistic paradigm (the male mind set) for controller-ship and and micro management. See what happened: to post WW1 Germany--->Eastern European Block--->USSR. Most of these large scale industrial behemoths collapsed and had to restart their intellectual and sovereign acumen. They tried extreme (almost narcissist) pogroms (literally) which eventually collapsed and left behind a large cloud of failure and frustration. EU was crafted to negate this phenomena (and in turn we saw the advent of female liberation), though now it is being misused, by the same powers. Full circle...!

Getting reminded of hippie era.
The Hippie Movement (HM) was just not about nod-winking to smoking pot, listening to Jim Morrison (and his poetic antics on stage) and dressing Bohemian...! The HM
, drew influences from our Eastern (read Dharmic) religiosity, Assisi, Gandhinian Thought, Jesus Christ, Buddha, non-violence to name/mention/highlight a few. It was the fragments of the Vietnam War which accelerated this process, and we saw the catharsis (you could say) in music (some examples: The Grateful Dead, Joan Baez) and mass protests against the regime. What were people requesting here..? The Flower-Child was born from the ruckus and muck which the West had laid as its foundation. It was a social revolution, en masse. I clearly remember, seeing a two - decade LP cover sleeve from a Joan Baez album: and how she mentions the atrocities of the Vietnam War, and how literally the American public (notwithstanding their armed forces) have suffered enough due to foreign and political policy. Along with high tax regimes. A lot of these hippies were goofing off, YES, but many had a motive and positive foresight. Ironically one of her most famous songs "Diamonds and Rust" (1974) was covered by the kings of Hard Rock (who literally invented it), Judas Priest, and became their staple. Hippie ----> Hard Rock (almost called Satanic), see the cultural and ideological shift, even if miniscule....!

I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities.
Well, that is quite a comment, encompassing our minute population here. TE is like a minor sliver of not even 1% of India. Most of us (hope so) here, are highly educated, working and quite in tune with our internal faculties. It is not about aping the West and it subsequent society, but an attempt to criticize ourselves in retrospection and undulate a paper-wave (writing) against the atrocious situation of females, here. Period.

We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only.
Indians have no values, sorry to say. Religion and its followings are not values. Cultural binding (s) with nullified polarity for diametric thinking (God forbid activity) is prohibitive in nature, and this mindset holds no value in today's world. Maybe during the Dark Ages (6th -- 13th) centuries these made sense, not anymore.

We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.
How has India succeeding as being a flagship leader..? Just because we have 7% YoY growth..? Can you not see how literally we ourselves are twisting ourselves into a tight knotted rope. On one hand we have a huge gamut of influx from the leading product MNCs (products, fiscal investment, infrastructure set up), while on the flip side of the Indian-coin, we are firmly rooted in an archaic era. This torsion on our society will eventually cause it to snap. The first forerunners of this Revelation will be women, children and the uneducated. We are progressing at a firm rate, but there is an equivalent (could be larger too) force which our society is asserting for non-progressive thinking and hellish practices -like that- which we endure on females. It is a juxtaposition. A gross irony, you could say. What will these "vested interests" demolish. Our YoY growth will not tarnish or diminish by showing the truth to the world, though a 6-7% slice of our GDP via Tourism may take a dip down. Even then, it will not hit rock-bottom. Companies will continue to invest at a high rate, because they literally have 1.5B people to reap rewards from, irrespective what we do to our women. Business is blind even if political correct at times...!

You know, that article is really good. Why would I say that. Because the post-feminism resultant (as per that article) is all ready prevalent in India without a feminist thematic movement, summarizing that article with cross-reference to India:

1. A lot of American males are unmarried and live in perpetual adolescence. Answer: Same it is with India. Most males here, are living in a literal childhood. Their mother/nannies take care of all their ADLs in the household, and after marriage the wife does.

2. Men have failed to transition to adulthood. Answer: same as above. Fathering a child and earning money does not equal adult hood. Managing the house and giving equal status to you spouse/daughter, does.

3. High % of bachelors in America. Answer: Same here. I wonder why. You would know.

4. After decades of feminism men are setting the standards for relationships. Answer: How different is it here.

5. Ratio of male/female is skewed. Answer: Same here.

6. Girls have to live by guys demands. Answer: Same here.

7. Women are considered social misfits for not being promiscuous. Answer: Women are social misfits (seen as a curse) anyways, here.

8. Young women are not likely to get married. Answer: I would rather have this scenario, then them being married forcefully as it happens in India. Akin: to marriage/breeding being a duty of females. What is wrong anyways, with women not getting married. Is not the lament of the article, about men not being married. Why this sympathy for women, all of a sudden.

9. The good girls are in jobs at 25, and not married. Answer: This is a paragraph written from a standardized male oriented PoV. Job <----> Marriage are seen as mutually inconclusive. Or incompatible.

10. Children from wedlock. Answer: Shown by studies that it is deficient for children. I would put the blame, equally on both men and women (alphabetical) here. To be honest. Yes, the child suffers. But both parents are equally at fault. There are sufficient methods to prevent conception.

11. Rest of the critique against feminism. Being: It has succeeded in the West, but caused misery and social failures (essence of the article). Answer: Women have their respect and can hold their heads high, equivalent to their counter-parts. It speaks a lot. If India, does not want to let out women from the confines of their 4-walls, at least treat them with due respect within. On the streets, and let them have a yay, or nay. Educate them, at a minimal.
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^^ I was in touch with a person in UK who told me clearly that, to be poor in UK is ten times worse than to be poor in India. There women get pregnant in early teens and no one talks about it. So much for freedom without responsibility and irresponsible societies who pander to lazy people's whims. Getting reminded of hippie era. I don't want to comment to some TEians here as some are ridiculously out of reality and real word, unaware of situations in western socieities. We Indians with our values systems (am talking about real Indians humans, not some 1 in a 100mn psychomaniac) are several times ahead of west, this will be exposed in our life time only. We are being lead ahead with those values, which vested interests want to demolish.

As for a starting:
Indian value systems -
Tell me how that is not irrational.
How is that irrational...? There is a support in the UK system for human fallacies. What support system, by the State, do women have in India...? It is just our male oriented society and their kangaroo rules benched around culture, religion, and gut-feel nuances.

And I'm not saying India is better than other developed countries, everyone know the position we are in. I was just pointing out the fact that even developed countries have their own problems, some, may be more severe than India's. They are not some heavens where everything happens perfectly the way you wish and dream. But people there does not go putting the entire blame on their country, it's rulers, society and their value systems.
Yes, developed countries have their problems..! Of course..! Then who should the public blame..? An external state (if the malign force is from abroad), but for societal deltas and their occurrence, who should be blamed..? You tell me..? Society has to blame itself for its misgiving and ill-affects. That is what we are saying here. Your brevity is less than some, like me. The West is the biggest outspoken critique of itself. A salute to that.

btw, about Indian values. If you have had no values and systems, you wouldn't be arguing here as an Indian. At least some here, seems not liking the freedom from enslavement by British and how it was attained. Leaders from other countries learned a lot from us and appraise that fact.
There is nothing like xxxxx (country) values anymore, in a 24 x 7 connected global world. There are just universal and ubiqitious values. Just because processes from abroad are seen as positive, does not mean we are lusting for the British to be back. Let us throw back all our tech, mobiles, development, modern thought: and migrate to the Vedic age. Should we...? And literally shun out the Western thought and prosperity, and be free from the shackles of the colonial past we so abhor. Yes, Western leaders have learnt from us, and we appreciate it, but when they criticize us, about the stark truth, we see it as "vested interest". Is that not hypocritical on our part.

The topics we are discussing here should be studied more in-depth and intellectually as it have more influence on society in long run. It is not solely for few uneducated politicians or law makers to decide over this. We should get a more balance view over such matters, that is only what I wanted to convey.

We all are trying that in some manner or another, even if it is here on TE.