Is the price tag of 22k good on this build. It is a used pc i inquired from a local dealer.
Processor- i5 4570
Mobo- h81m
Ram- 16gb 1600mhz ddr3 kingston
Gpu -rx 570 4 gb red dragon
1tb hdd
250 gb ssd wd
Antec 600w psu
And an antec case(idk the exact one)
Locally purchased
No warranty on gpu proccy and mobo.
Need guidance asap.
Also what can i get for my old build. It is an all in one from a company called view paker. Its got a h81m ww paired with a i3 4130 8 gigs of ddr3 1600 ram. 250w psu and a 1 tb hdd wd. The screen size is 21.5 in. It has speakers and microphone inbuilt in its chasis and it can be pretty easily be customized.
It was all purchased 4 years back and has no warranty available.
Take the above build i did as an example
An i5 4570 is not bad but these days you need every thread you can have. So 4 cores and 8 threads is mandatory imo
Ram is a pretty good deal.
Gpu - Rx 570 red dragon by powercolor is card i'm not so sure about. I enquired about it to someone on erodov but i forgot his name, but from what he told me, powercolor cards tend to be faulty.
Hard Drive is also Good
250 GB SSD is superb
Using an Antec PSU myself and upto my knowledge it can get the pc up and running ( my knowledge on PSUs are limited

Case is well a Case.
Now no warranty is something i'm kinda scared about on the GPU.According to most people, they cards are of bad/inferior quality and The powercolor support is well, hard to say. Hoping someone here has some experience with them.