(NO GPUs) 'How much can I sell this for?' thread

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Guys let me know what should i expect for :-

Asus x58 sabertooth motherboard
Xeon x5670
18 gb ( 3x4gb, 3x2gb) corsair xms3 ddr3 ram
Gtx 670 gpu (hdmi port not working)
Sold mine for 18k shipped.

I have someone locally selling a benq EW3270 with one year warranty for 16k. Is it a good deal? I am looking for a monitor. Can get great 144hz ips for this amount.
Do you have a good enough GPU which can games in that resolution in 60fps?
I would go for a 1440p144hz of possible.
Hi for how much I can sell this montior

Bought in US on June 14, 2019 and 14 months warranty remaining
I have an ipad Pro 11 inch 2020 wifi 128gb purchased on November 23 2020
Recently,my nephew knocked it off the coffee table and cracked the glass over display in the upper part of the tablet.
The ipad works fine with it but it’s kind of an eyesore for me.Hence,I wanted to know how much should be a fair asking price for it.I got it for 68k under education discount.

Touch digitizer will not cost more than 6k or 7k, if done at Apple. Replica will come under 4k. 4 months used and a broken digitizer, try to pitch it for 55k or below. Will sell faster.
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Touch digitizer will not cost more than 6k or 7k, if done at Apple. Replica will come under 4k. 4 months used and a broken digitizer, try to pitch it for 55k or below. Will sell faster.

Hey thanks for the help.I have listed it at 55k on OlX but getting really absurd offers.Apple is asking for 45k upfront for a full replacement.Local repair shops don’t even want to touch it saying no spare parts available for Pro models.
Hey thanks for the help.I have listed it at 55k on OlX but getting really absurd offers.Apple is asking for 45k upfront for a full replacement.Local repair shops don’t even want to touch it saying no spare parts available for Pro models.
Local shops will not touch it. You should have bought the accidental warranty. Check on iFixit if they have the repair kit. I don't know if Apple stopped selling of parts.
How much will I get for a Ryzen 2700X, with or without the stock cooler?

Also, should I bother upgrading to a 5600X? I figure this is the only upgrade path left for my X470 board so I should seize it. The 2700X runs too hot for Mumbai and I'm too cheap to spend on a cooler.
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Hi for how much I can sell this montior

Bought in US on June 14, 2019 and 14 months warranty remaining
Guys any suggestion on this?
Does anyone want to give it a real test? lol.

It's been a few years since I traveled, but I always took my monitors with me. Back then you'd get the monitor nested inside a thermocoule mould, so the entire screen was covered. I'd just add some towels and pack it in alongside the bottom edge of a suitcase. They always reached without any problems, even when the airline lost a suitcase for two weeks.

Newer monitors just come with thermocoule along the sides, with the screen exposed but with an airgap behind the box. For these, you absolutely need a layer of at least half inch thermocoule on the front and back of the box. One or two large sheets of this shouldn't cost more than 100 rupees at a stationery shop. Then you could use up an entire roll of cello tape to make it water proof. Again, this shouldn't cost more than 100 rupees.

If you live in the north, or in a colder place, the thick greyish-black foam used for sleeping on the floor may be more economical than thermocoule.
25-28k. Less if hes oblivious to the current condition. Never think youre scamming someone or being scammed, theres no hard prices and whatever both parties agree on is the right one.
Someone I know sold his 2060 for 38k. He had bought it for 26k. The market is just pathetic and so are the people trying to profit from it. Is it so much to ask for some decency and not rip people off. Can't really blame the buyers who are many times uninformed, especially with the current pricing situation.
Somone has a budget of 30k for a GPU so when a new 1660Ti is being sold for +/-35k they go for it, not really realising to what extent they are overpaying.
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