I am trying to get a ACM account but unfortunately i dont have a hold of indian credit card currently cuz im in us right now? I am trying to get this for my brother who is doing ECE engineering. Can anyone help with an indian CC? I will pay back with paypal?
Even an Indian debit card (VISA/MC) works flawlessly on ACM.
Can't you get and use the details of your brother's (or parents') debit card for the same?
YOu only get one key now , you will have to find link to chinese/ non english versiion to get another key , earlier you could get 4 keys .
In order to take advantage of ACM's Student Academic Initiative (SAI) Program, you must verify your student status by providing ACM with the following information:
Please click on 'My Student Profile' and complete all the required fields, then come back to this page to opt in (just follow the the link 'Microsoft DreamSpark Premium Package' from the left-side navigation).
- The name of your Faculty Advisor
- Your Student Identification Number
Yes I enrolled recently and asked for the Student ID and Faculty
I have enrolled into a distance education program so just entered that Student ID.
Don't think there will be any validity as it takes whatever you type
Well I gave my university student ID and a name of faculty I presume anything you enter should be accepted . And after this I got the opt-in option and got into MSDN^ Even I am getting the same. Did you get opt-in automatically after a couple of days ? If not, where does one find the Student ID & Faculty Advisor (my sister is registering for this and she is a CS Engg student right now...)
I see. The idea was to make sure people select India from "Special rates for developing Country". Back when I signed up, some people selected India from some other option. The charge were same but they were asked to submit student ID etc.Can you please tell me -How long it took for you to get the MSDNAA account credentials mail, after you finished you checked the OPT-IN checkbox ?
Its been more than 24 hours and I still have not received any mail....
Also could you please tell me if you chose Bachelors/Masters as your course & Yes / No for the ACM Student Chapter Member option....
(According to the footer note DreamSpark is not available for undergraduate students, exception being ACM student chapter members.)
@ev1lb0ygen1us - The site design has changed slightly now...