nokia 6630 current price?

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My friend is going to purchase 6630 and he wants to know what is the latest market prize. Is it below 12k?

well if I buy with bill at local shops and not at priority dealer then can I still go to nokia care when any problem occurs?
Yeah you can still go to Nokia Care. The only thing you need to be sure of is that the phone is genuine. The bill is a proof of purchase. Helps Nokia Care determine if your phone is still under warranty.
Buy from a trusted dealer. Most good dealers open the box in front of you once you've bought the phone, thus breaking the seal. Make sure the seal on the piece you are buying is intact. But always buy from a reputed dealer, or a dealer who you trust.
in madurai its 12.3k with bill and warranty, my friend in chennai said its arnd 11k in chennai with bill and warranty. the prices are not from the priority dealers.
Priority dealers always charge High. Don't know Why?

Go to your delaer where you regularly buy any electronics or other products. In our area even stationery shops sale mobile phones.
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