Nokia C3 C6 and E5 announced

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See Supra, you come across as an annoying little kid. I don't know if you mean to or not, but you do (hence your 'attitude'). The fact is that none of us have any confirmation as to prices. So you can either a) wait and see like a reasonable person and hope the prices are low or b) act like a 11 year old and think you have some extra sensory powers that allow you to predict the future, while you actually have no basis to back up anything that you are saying.

The authors of the articles have clearly converted the pre-tax euro prices at the approximate euro-rupee exchange rate. So apart from jumping the gun and sensationalising the issue, they (and you) have done precious little.

And I reiterate - I hope your guess is correct, and the prices are that low. But till now no one (including yourself) has given anything remotely concrete to show that they will be that low.

arsenalmaniac said:
The announcement about prices was made by the Vice-president Of Nokia India, Anssi Vanjoki, so i think these prices do pertain to the Indian market rather than the European one.

Even though the Rs. 5317.89 may have been arrived at through 90*59.07, the actual prices will hover very close to these:)

I am pretty sure that the VP of Nokia India would not announce prices in Euros (or the rupee equivalent of the euro price). If you read the articles carefully nowhere does it say that it is the VP (or any other Nokia India rep) who has said that the prices are that. It seems that some journalist took a shortcut, googled the phone models, found the widely publicized euro price, converted it to rupees and wrote an article. After that 20 other 'journalists' pretty much copy-pasted and paraphrased the same text.
^^ Wow you act like an experienced guy then. Anyways you are the 1st member on TE who told me about how I am like an 11 yr old of the last 5 years I am here on TE :) Thanks for your valued opinion. But I dont need that ,not from you at least.

am sure that the price will be what I had posted or around the same ball park figure (~5%)....I have predicted based on past Nokia pricing and not by just jumping on the wind. Btw if someone nukes u a bit...u seem to get quite heated :rofl:

Since you are sensible and mature....stop replying to this thread now and increasing the OT !
vebk said:
I am pretty sure that the VP of Nokia India would not announce prices in Euros (or the rupee equivalent of the euro price). If you read the articles carefully nowhere does it say that it is the VP (or any other Nokia India rep) who has said that the prices are that. It seems that some journalist took a shortcut, googled the phone models, found the widely publicized euro price, converted it to rupees and wrote an article. After that 20 other 'journalists' pretty much copy-pasted and paraphrased the same text.

Hm I guess you're right about that...the VP just commented on the free push e-mail, not on the prices. This article seems to confirm that when it says ..."suggested retail price is EUR 90.":S
That said, factor in taxes and the rest, and we could be looking at increments of Rs 1k over these prices, nothing much to fuss about:)
Supra said:
Since you are sensible and mature....stop replying to this thread now and increasing the OT !

Done. Now if you excuse me, I have to go order the 1st prize gold medal for you. :rofl::rofl:
I feel C6 is going to be a real winner, it has almost all the features that N97 Mini has and above all it is approximately Rs.7000 cheaper than that. This one is surely going to be a hit. Even C3 can give good competition to the new mobile vendors specially Micromax Q5 and Zen 77, Nokia is anyways the best i feel.
^As only 1 ebay shop has listed prices are high.

Univercell says its 9000 approx for C5. More often than not the actual prices end up lower than that.

C6 is already expected to cost 13-14k :S You still dont know that. Go through this thread.
DarkAngel said:
^As only 1 ebay shop has listed prices are high.
Univercell says its 9000 approx for C5. More often than not the actual prices end up lower than that.
C6 is already expected to cost 13-14k :S You still dont know that. Go through this thread.

i know that it is rumored to be arnd 14k

and i have gone through this whole thread

but i thought that if c5 is arnd 12k then c6 wud be around 15k

just my guess
if I get E5 at around 10-12k -it will be an excellent deal,also I am still pondering about getting an Android based phone at same range - any suggestions ?
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