Nokia E7 Pre Orders Begin

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TBH its much better than some of the aluminum slabs HTC been churning out for a year now.

Yea talking abt all incl the top end ones.

And abt symbian, did android came near symbian in multimedia till now??

About apps, how many "apps" do one need. :S
^^No point comparing symbian and android.Agreed htc is making android phones with PATHETIC multimedia capabilities,but it is probably htc not android responsible for it.If the camera part is not taken into account SGS is at par with ip4 in multimedia,even the lowly optimus one has brilliant s.q.For me symbian(E5 now) works much better than the htc craps I had (hd2 and desire,used very briefly though).Atleast I dont need to look at the battery meter every now and then.
Android is wonderful too,specially when coupled with good hardware and most importantly a very good battery(this is where htc sucks royally)
E7 looks like a great phone but 35k is waaay too much
Yes buddy,it is odd but almost all LG phones sound just brilliant atleast to my ears.I am no audiophile,but it sounded much much better than the crappy sound of hd2 and desire with a decent iem(SM3 in my case)
Used one today, didn't like it all that much. Boring phone, cam and screen look great, the whole touch experience is very average but its nicely built and the qwerty keypad is nice to use. Overpriced here in Singapore too.
Just returned from Alfa...

It is available there for 34k...

O-V-E-R-P-R-I-C-E-D is all that came out of my mouth...

BTW, our inhouse CellGURU (dhruvrock2000) has hinted that the phone will be cheaper soon... ;)
About 29750 here if you convert, which is about the same as the factory unlocked 16GB iphone 4, which was in stock here for a few hours yesterday after more than a month.
People should wait for the official launch and a few days after that to get this one at a realistic price.

Those who buy it right now are going to be in for a big surprise when the price drops to < 30k within days of the launch. :lol:
its not worth buying this at even 25K with Nokia cutting back on Symbian. I think the updates will slow down considerably(not that they were that fast).

Plus dual core mobiles will hit the market. Galaxy S2 with exynos dual core , arm mali gpu and super amoled plus screen should be a great buy.

I have Nokia N8. while its not a bad phone(Camera/Multimedia are awesome), I am not too impressed with battery life. Plus it desperately needs PR 2.0 to improve stock browser with multi touch.
And you expect the dual core phones to have better battery life ? Also.. other than 1080p playback << which is pointless >> what is the point behind a dual core phone at this point of time when it is not even being utilized properly ??

Hell even Google knows that it is not worth it right now and the lead developer phone ie the Nexus S is a single core device.

trivik12 said:
its not worth buying this at even 25K with Nokia cutting back on Symbian. I think the updates will slow down considerably(not that they were that fast).

Plus dual core mobiles will hit the market. Galaxy S2 with exynos dual core , arm mali gpu and super amoled plus screen should be a great buy.

I have Nokia N8. while its not a bad phone(Camera/Multimedia are awesome), I am not too impressed with battery life. Plus it desperately needs PR 2.0 to improve stock browser with multi touch.
^^ yup.. the phones maybe dual core but how many apps will actually utilize that is the question. Its more of a show off factor right now...
comp@ddict said:
thats more like it,

saw nokia n8 sale at dell's for 330$(OMFG what!)
Can u pls post the link for this offer... seems mouth watering... A friend is coming from US. will surely order from him If this order is on.
soumalidon said:
^^ yup.. the phones maybe dual core but how many apps will actually utilize that is the question. Its more of a show off factor right now...
As long as the OS is multi-threaded (with good thread schedular) it will surly be benefited from dual processor.

consider this hypothetical example,

you are listening to music, browsing and doing few more things at the same time. OS schedules each thread after some time and gives you multitasking benefit. So if at this time 20 threads are there each thread will get 1/20 processor time. Where as in a dual core processor OS schedular can schedule two threads at same time, which in *theory* gives 1/10 processor time to each thread. Of course this is not exactly double as double processing power does not mean double performance but it will indeed give better performance with a good OS irrespective of whether an app is multithreaded or not.

For record most of the multimedia apps and games should already be multi-threaded to be befitted from this.
^^ yup.. the phones maybe dual core but how many apps will actually utilize that is the question. Its more of a show off factor right now...

exactly, thats why all these companies are pushign games, even HP's tablet has some launch game. There is nothing else to justify the hardware.

The iPad2, the benchmarks all seem to gloat that Infinity Blade has a few extra point lights and minor texture resolution bump, jeez
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