Nokia N8 Thread

^ Why not just buy it here? It costs the same here if not cheaper. You also get warranty cover, which I don't think you will, if you get a US piece here.
I just don't get it why people ask a question and don't bother looking at the responses following it, only to ask the same question again.
unni said:
Got a new update for my C7: Symbian Anna Service Pack (1040 kb)! :)
Thanks for the info @Unni. Got the update on my N8(updated to Anna) too...
Now the only thing I dont like much in Anna is that during a call the call option(Red call icon) goes in the background. So it takes a moment longer to disconnect the call...
N8's got one more software update.

Earlier s/w version was : 0.22.014
Current version after update installation : 0.25.007
No details found about the contents if this update :(
Did not notice any difference. Seems that my N8 has become a little slower recently....
Sincere qn to you all:

Is there any retailer or an ecommerce site, over where I could get a N8 for around 18k or so. FK says, it's been permanently discontinued (which is not the case) and LB retails it for 22+, which is obscene. The cheapest i got, is in Adexmart (20.8k), but am skeptical over this site.

Responses would be very much appreciated. AM very much sold for this model & being a person who pays attention to the over all get up, i must say this should be the Audi A8 among all Nokias. PLease help.

Am based in bangalore.

