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My 6680 has gone dead , got submerged in water some how. I opened it [ as it was already outta warranty] and dried it. . it worked for a few weeks with some glitches but now it is DEAD !
So what i wanted to ask was.
1. Should it be given only at Nokia CARE or any other Nokia shop with mobile repair facility would do ?
2. What kind of charges do Nokia care leavy for such a service ?
3. Can anyone guide to a conveniently located nokia care center near vimannagar/KP/KalyaniNagar/Hadparsar in PUNE.
Inputs would help a lot
. Willing to pay 1k + for the repair. .if it fixes the problem as my DAD loves the phone 
So what i wanted to ask was.
1. Should it be given only at Nokia CARE or any other Nokia shop with mobile repair facility would do ?
2. What kind of charges do Nokia care leavy for such a service ?
3. Can anyone guide to a conveniently located nokia care center near vimannagar/KP/KalyaniNagar/Hadparsar in PUNE.
Inputs would help a lot