[NOKIA] Phone repair Query

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! 0 t A

My 6680 has gone dead , got submerged in water some how. I opened it [ as it was already outta warranty] and dried it. . it worked for a few weeks with some glitches but now it is DEAD !

So what i wanted to ask was.

1. Should it be given only at Nokia CARE or any other Nokia shop with mobile repair facility would do ?

2. What kind of charges do Nokia care leavy for such a service ?

3. Can anyone guide to a conveniently located nokia care center near vimannagar/KP/KalyaniNagar/Hadparsar in PUNE.

Inputs would help a lot :D. Willing to pay 1k + for the repair. .if it fixes the problem as my DAD loves the phone :)
Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

some ppl say that nokia care center sucks:@: and they also charge heavy amount of money. i also heard that nokia CC takes ageS to deliver back.
Can`t say exactly what will be the cost, but i think it you repair in local mobile repairing shop, then the cost may be mak 1k. But with nokia CC i say u will get a surprise.

Wait for more post before taking any decision.

some ppl say that nokia care center sucks:@: and they also charge heavy amount of money. i also heard that nokia CC takes ageS to deliver back.
Can`t say exactly what will be the cost, but i think it you repair in local mobile repairing shop, then the cost may be mak 1k. But with nokia CC i say u will get a surprise.

Wait for more post before taking any decision.
Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

I doubt Nokia will even accept ur piece, they normally simply deny water damaged pieces. I would recommend some TRUSTED repair facility. Dont give to any guy. He will rip you off completely.
Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

Nokia treats 'Out of warranty' handsets with very soft hands :) afterall they can earn something out of it. They'll provide you the best solution over that with least possible waiting period. But pricing may be heavy.
My advise to you would be. First you should go to Nokia Care and try to get an estimate for the repair of the one and the best option available. then try local market repair guys. obviously, tthat would be way cheaper. but you must have some knowledge about the parts they change and use. Also they'll charge you with cost of Repair only. At nokia care you'll be charged with Handling Charges + Taxes as well.
So you decide. :)
Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

Hmm. .

But i cant seem to find any Nokia Care center in the vicinity.

Let me find one. I'll report back then.
Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

! 0 t A said:
Hmm. .

But i cant seem to find any Nokia Care center in the vicinity.

Let me find one. I'll report back then.
If u a bit adventurous kind u can try a simple remedy urself and if lucky revive ur hand set

stuff needed

1. White petrol ( can also use nail polish remover as the last resort)
2.Torx head size 6 screwdriver ( commonly known as T6 screwdriver)
3.empty container
4.Old Tooth Brush
5.Hair drier
6.Lots of Patience
7.Courage to do it

Check this link for disassambly instruction
YouTube - 6680 disassembly

Disassamble ur phone
seprate the display from main pcb
put some white petrol in container and immerse the pcb in it
leave it there for 1/2 hour
take it out and clean with the tooth brush dipped in white petrol
use hair drier to dry the pcb ( dont be afraid u cant damage the pcb with heat from hair drier)
wait 10 mins to let it cool then assamble ur phone and check who knows this maybe ur lucky day

u can pm me for any query
i have been professionally repairing phones from the last 7 years

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Re: [NOKIA] Phone repair Querry

^^ Thanks for the links n all. But I have already done the above procedure. Must have opened up my phone around 10 times and i must have damaged something there only. SO finally want to give it to some1 who will be able to fix it.
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