Nokia to continue support for Symbian at least till 2016

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C6 is available for 12.6k after rcom coupon on letsbuy.

At tht price its above all other Androids in this price range. No competition whatsoever, android phone cant even come close to its specifications.

AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 720p@25fps,USB On-the-go, Gorilla glass display and can playback 720p videos, 8MP camera WOW.
For all those you are complaining about apps on S3 phones, Please read below:

Symbian ins't about apps, if you are buying Symbian phone for Apps. You are making a big mistake. IMO, you should get Symbian for:

1) Nokia: Nokia's brand is still matters atleast in INDIA. Techies don't care but masses do care about getting if the phone is made by Nokia vs say xvz brand.

2) Same old Look & feel: S3's interface will be very familar. so if you are gift the phone to your sister,mom,dad or a person who is less tech savvy. S3 powered phone makes sense, since there isn't a learning curve. When I gave android to my sis, it took her about a week to get fully comfortable with her new phone. point being, advanced OS like android takes a while to get used specially for less tech savvy users, while Symbian is more hands-on & easy to work with out of the box. android does needs some tweaks.

3) Multimedia & Camera Feature: The Multimedia & Camera Features sound on most Symbian phones are superior to other OS in same price point, specially around 15k range.

These would be my top 3 reasons to get a Symbian powered Phone over say android powered phone. for more about Symbian, Please read my Symbian review:

manu1991 said:
The O1 is now 9.5k so i don't think its a fair comparison. Why don't you compare it to defy?
Well i just said its the best sub-14k phone (Which it is) and the likes of Ace or Wildfire S that costs more cant beat it. Good, full fledged Android experience starts @ 17k+. Moto Defy.

Simple: If you have a sub 10k budget for a smartphone then the O1 P500 and the Dell XCD 35 are good choices.

If you can spend ~2.5k more more then the C6-01 and if another ~3.5k more then the Motorola Defy!(esp. since it get the much deserved official OS update :))
DarkAngel said:
Yeah. I dont understand why! Except the sub-par UI the Nokia C6-01 for example is best in class in the sub ~14-15k price range!

It has got the best screen, camera, video recording, video play back etc in its class! App support is also decent. Hopefully with the 'Anna' update it gets better.

Its just the android craze and people opt for very poor phone like Samsung Ace instead of C6-01 even if mulimedia is their primary need!

Android is good but its true power is unleased only starting from a phone like Defy and upwards. I feel its sort of crippled in the sub-15k phones!
Samsung Ace is a pitiable offering indeed (Wildfire is even worse!!) but there are notable phones too.

You my friend just have to try the ZTE Blade/XCD 35.

Older ones even came with AMOLED screens and even the lcds ones have a very sharp 800x480 display.

You may even get around playing HD games like Asphalt 5 and NFS Shift which look and run absolutely amazing.

With apps like Moboplayer, you can run 360p-480p xvids flawlessly, with subs. No need to reencode those tvrips/dvdrips!

I don't really see the point of playing 720p videos on a low res screen, besides the point of copying gigs of data on my sdcard everyday.

The 3.2mp AF phone camera suffices for me, but then ofc, you should seldom buy a phone based on the camera. A cheapo P&S for 4-5k anyday would fare a lot better.

if multimedia was the only way to judge a phone, the first gen Wave (Bada) would have been better than anything Nokia has to offer, even now!

I used to be a Symbian fan, but really, the only thing that "killed" Symbian was Nokia's own arrogance. I just don't get why they stuck to resistive screens on their previous offerings when the world was moving to iPhones (52xx, 5800, N900, N97!!). Even Samsung's feature phones (Champ? Corby? )came with capacitive screens. Ofc, bundling them with meager amounts of ram and low clocked / locked down processors didn't help their multitasking ability, nor did the locked bootloader help the modding community.

There are still things that I can do on my Symbian phone which I can't do on my Android phone which I do miss, like easy locale/network/gps based call filtering, pys60 scripting and the joy of rom modding, and being a Symbian user all these years, I do tend to prefer (:eek: <- do not kill me for this) the Symbian UI over Android's interface, but there is a great deal more you can do on an Android phone than on a Symbian one.

Obviously needs and perspectives vary and I won't make the mistake of talking in absolutes. Lets just say, to each his own but for me, the glory days of Symbian are over (I owned 4 successive Symbian phones over a period of 7 years prior to buying my current Android phone, each of which cost roughly the same, around 10.5k for my N-Gage QD and my SanFran ironically costing me the least at 9.2k)

techno_guy said:
I disagree because Optimus and XCD 35 are much better phones in 10k range C5-03 or any other phone in that range can't even come close to it
I see someone thinks alike ;)

I know it doesnt matter but it feels good to know that atleast it can play. Even some High end phones cant play 720p videos properly let alone 1080p.
DarkAngel said:
Well i just said its the best sub-14k phone (Which it is) and the likes of Ace or Wildfire S that costs more cant beat it. Good, full fledged Android experience starts @ 17k+. Moto Defy.
Simple: If you have a sub 10k budget for a smartphone then the O1 P500 and the Dell XCD 35 are good choices.
If you can spend ~2.5k more more then the C6-01 and if another ~3.5k more then the Motorola Defy!(esp. since it get the much deserved official OS update :))
I am with you on this one
you can get C6-01 is you are tending more towards multimedia usage and if you can spend 17k then defy is a good bet
eternoMind said:
1080p playback, how does that matter on a phone ?
Asking this out of noobness/curiosity :S !!
well, thats because reviewers go gaga with the SGS 2 being able to playback 1080p and the N8 not being able and hence deduct points.

But as it turns out, S^3 can play them, so I think those reviews need a bit of updating in score department.
Not to bash Nokia fan's out here. But I never like the UI in Nokia, it never felt smooth, it's something that has clung to Symbian for ages.
But I never like the UI in Nokia, it never felt smooth, it's something that has clung to Symbian for ages.

it's smooth actually, smoother than I felt scrolling through android's UI I'm damn serious.

(Dont say use CM7 or a custom rom, the stock is supposed to be good enuf)..

Only, Nokia's multi-layered UI calls for organisation, not ease of accessibility.
linuxtechie said:
Not to bash Nokia fan's out here. But I never like the UI in Nokia, it never felt smooth, it's something that has clung to Symbian for ages.
i agree to this point, symbian^3 is not as smooth as ios,wp7,webos or even bada, the touch experience is just not same as these OS's.
Right now, i'm browsing the web with 11 tabs open on my E7...5 of which are TE..with butter smooth scrolling...also, with the music app running...
What else could i want? App count is rising everyday with fluid apps in Qt...i have a choice of 4-5 FB clients now...
Symbian haters should check out Flowd and LinkedIn...
fluid apps in Qt.

Qt my friend is AN AMAZING PLATFORM, something unique and offers soo much power with coding, soo much felxibility see ing all the different brilliant apps on it(games included, which include a bit complex physics, JETEX, never thought it would run on a S60v5 phone)
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