Nokia to continue support for Symbian at least till 2016

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Rahul said:
Are you kidding me with that statement, when people had no choices they were suffering(remember how we were suffering with ambassadors and premiers, till the better cars came in market). I know you feel at home in with symbian, i am not doubting that. Even i feel very familiar with Symbian as i have used the devices sometime back. But complete disrespect for other choices like you people do and say is not right. IMO iphone is better choice than symbian FOR ME. Let discuss what you find better on symbian and whats bad on iphone in a decent way but saying that people buy iphone because its pretty is just lame. And looking at the signature i can understand what a fanboy someone is for symbian. Neither apple is paying me to use iphone neither nokia, i buy whatever i feel like using.

And why do you think nokia is moving towards WM7 ?

For you to understand why Nokia is opting for WM7 and why they moved the whole Symbian stuff to Accenture, u'd have to be in the industry .. i work very closely to people who need to deliver apps for iPhones, iPads and Blackberry's ..

Also, here are some funny facts :

1. Symbian supported folders, no one else did. Now every1 is going for folders, and rumors are out that PR3.0 might dump apps. folder. First people ridiculed that folders are not necessary; now people say how will Symbian survive without folders

2. People saying side scrolling is better than vertical scrolling. Eeeh what ??

3. I loved my Wave till is realized how much different the sAMOLED was .. every pik that i took and viewed on the phone looked awesome, till i transferred it to the pc. I used an iPhone 4 and same .. sharp clear and detailed on the phone, just meh on the pc .. N8 feels more practical as i see the pik as i took it .. my preference .. thats how Nokia's been working from 6681 till N8 ..

4. Build quality .. i'd like to see an iPhone last for more than a week in my pocket without breaking lol .. the things i do with my N8 :P

5. MULTITASKING ... if i was an iPerson, and got myself the iPhone 1g, then for somewhat multiapping i'd have to buy a iPhone 3GS atleast and update the OS .. Age old 6681 did stable multitasking .. and it had a pretty decent 1.3 MP camera ..

like i said earlier .. Symbian never actually had any threat from custom OS's and WM6 ... now they got overthrown by iOS and Android .. Nokia cud have invested a few zillions on Symbian to get it back to top, but they chose WM7 .. simple reason, they'd rather invest half on something already awesome, and rest on evolving Symbian .. smart strategy and effective strategy .. WM7 "IS" a better OS compared to iOS and Android, and will get better with time .. Metro UI feels more natural than any other UI in the market .. iOS is meh because Android does it better ;)

Again my own opinion is based on the fact that i use a lot of phone myself and have friends who are mobile freaks .. i don't reflect what the world thinks, i reflect on where i'd make the best investment ... this is not about me trying to prove Symbian is the best, its me trying to indicate where you'll get "more" out of the investment ...

PS : i dare anyone bragging about the Android and Apple marketstore show me he uses 1000 apps daily .. infact i'd like to see how many different apps has been used by the person in the last 1 month .. Ovi store has very little quality apps, but i use most on a daily basis .. now with Qt the quality of the apps have increased tremendously ...
deathvirus_me said:
For you to understand why Nokia is opting for WM7 and why they moved the whole Symbian stuff to Accenture, u'd have to be in the industry .. i work very closely to people who need to deliver apps for iPhones, iPads and Blackberry's ..

Also, here are some funny facts :

1. Symbian supported folders, no one else did. Now every1 is going for folders, and rumors are out that PR3.0 might dump apps. folder. First people ridiculed that folders are not necessary; now people say how will Symbian survive without folders

2. People saying side scrolling is better than vertical scrolling. Eeeh what ??

3. I loved my Wave till is realized how much different the sAMOLED was .. every pik that i took and viewed on the phone looked awesome, till i transferred it to the pc. I used an iPhone 4 and same .. sharp clear and detailed on the phone, just meh on the pc .. N8 feels more practical as i see the pik as i took it .. my preference .. thats how Nokia's been working from 6681 till N8 ..

4. Build quality .. i'd like to see an iPhone last for more than a week in my pocket without breaking lol .. the things i do with my N8 :P

5. MULTITASKING ... if i was an iPerson, and got myself the iPhone 1g, then for somewhat multiapping i'd have to buy a iPhone 3GS atleast and update the OS .. Age old 6681 did stable multitasking .. and it had a pretty decent 1.3 MP camera ..

like i said earlier .. Symbian never actually had any threat from custom OS's and WM6 ... now they got overthrown by iOS and Android .. Nokia cud have invested a few zillions on Symbian to get it back to top, but they chose WM7 .. simple reason, they'd rather invest half on something already awesome, and rest on evolving Symbian .. smart strategy and effective strategy .. WM7 "IS" a better OS compared to iOS and Android, and will get better with time .. Metro UI feels more natural than any other UI in the market .. iOS is meh because Android does it better ;)

Again my own opinion is based on the fact that i use a lot of phone myself and have friends who are mobile freaks .. i don't reflect what the world thinks, i reflect on where i'd make the best investment ... this is not about me trying to prove Symbian is the best, its me trying to indicate where you'll get "more" out of the investment ...

PS : i dare anyone bragging about the Android and Apple marketstore show me he uses 1000 apps daily .. infact i'd like to see how many different apps has been used by the person in the last 1 month .. Ovi store has very little quality apps, but i use most on a daily basis .. now with Qt the quality of the apps have increased tremendously ...

It doesn't make any difference to me if the phone supports folders or not, there was a time when i was interested in doing experiments with my PC, phone and all with custom roms and stuff. But now i need something which does everything on its own rather than me fiddling with it. In that way i find the iphone good, its so good that i have 2 of them, i am not saying its the best. There was many other thing which other phones do better than iphone.

I have no idea about you are saying with scrolling :-/

I am not much bothered with the camera, i have a dedicated camera for that. I use the camera very less and the few times i have used it, its pretty decent(Decent in regards to picture quality compared with dedicated cameras i am not comparing it with other phones).

Lol, i have seen N8 and if you say N8 has better build quality than a iphone then you are living in your own bubble, I have dropped my iphone 3G don't know how many times. It has been soaking wet in rain once that the phone was making funny noises but in 2 days it was working fine. But that doesnt mean its a water proof phone and i am not going to declare the phone undestructible. I know it was just luck as a drop of water on the right place will make the phone bad. Have dropped iphone 4 once nothing has happened. I have use nokias in past and i will say they have pretty good build quality but iphone has better quality, feel, fit & finish IMO.

I agree what you say here, there was no point in investing in symbian which was already dead, if symbian had any future we didnt need this thread too. As for WM7 it looking very nice and i am also looking forward to purchase a WM7 device in future. Again you are getting very judgmental here, WM7 is better but iOS has its own positives. What i like about WM7 is they are not trying to copy iOS, android looks like a iOS copy. Just use android for a month and they try using iOS and you will feel what much more user friendly and easy to use iOS is. Yeah many people who like to tinker with their mobiles will like android but i am too old for that i guess :)

I agree as long as you doing discussion with facts i don't have any problems :)

Now thats good you brought this up, Apps this is one of my fav thing about iOS, this is what made me buy iphone and i sure even future it will be. I love to install apps and try them on. Some of the apps still surprise me what can be done with such a little device and the the buying and installing experience is amazing from app store, i have installed 100s of apps but never had any problem with anything, all of them works flawlessly. Maybe you don't like apps concept but i am sure many does, even microsoft who is behind WM7 understand that and investing on that. I am not sure who uses 1000 apps, i don't think anyone will. But variety ensures that everyone has something that they like. its not necessary that you have install all the apps on app store. and believe me when i say this each and every app on app store has best user experience, none of the apps you will feel that made with quality compromise :). Then comes the games, last i used to game on mobile was on snakes on nokia 8310(my first mobile). After than i used millions of mobile devices but nothing had which gets you addicted. But in iphone i am playing games again, you won't believe we do multiplayer games with friends on game center, keep track of others scores on game center. Its soo much fun. when apple made it they didnt make it just to keep the pretty game center icon on the phone, its very much usable and if you have friends with iphone its awesome. I had a ngage once(i am sure its somewhere lying in the house) and i can tell you the multiplayer feature on that was just a feature to be flaunted in boxes and advertisements, it wasn't very user friendly or lets say usable at all. And then the pain of installing games on ngage lol , what was stopping nokia then in making that better, but they will sitting lazy because nothing better was in market but now with sales going down the drain they have woken up, but still i will say too little too late :)

PS: after a long time i had posted something that big on TE :)

EDIT: sorry i missed multitasking part but i have never needed multitasking on phone, , i do remember multitasking was there in my Nokia 3650 which i bought when it just launched, once of the first true multimedia phone. But i can't begin to tell how crappy multitasking was, it won't play songs on the background properly if you are trying to do anything, why put that kind of multitask experience and let the user suffer, every now and then you have to go and close all the running apps. on the other hand on iphone is pretty awesome, i don't know if its multitasking or not as many people say its not. But still its one of best implementation i have seen for app switching, i have run several apps at once and there is no problem switching between them and so far its flawless no glitches :), actually as i said i never needed multitasking on phone .... max i do it listen to songs and reply to sms or lil bit browsing nothing more than that.
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