Now I am really scared

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Die suicide bomber.. :-/ They are tracking you.. They have some special satellites for tracking you. Beware biatch :P
Yup, they are tasking some sats to get your long and lat :P

But, if we hear the words bomb + volvo car, we know whodunnit :P
Darn they can come and attack and take your Volvo C60 at any time :O..

why don't we hide your volvo @ myplace :p...i won't touch it

@Admins delete kauzy account asap, we can't give asylum to a terrorist/suicide bomber :P
what a power kauzy sirjee !! you got this and bulk sms/mms sending in country is banned for 15 days !

*kaha se laate ho itni power* :P
what a professional mail with good command on english grammar

OP dont worry do you really think that a professional agency will type such a crappy mail
Reply him we have PUNJAB POLICE. "Chittar Padengey"
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