Graphic Cards Nvidia GTX 1060 landing july 7

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I am still using a GTX 560 Ti and waiting for availability of GTX 1060. Since I usually game on Linux, AMD is not really an option for me. GTX 1060 is still unavailable online.
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So essentially, for Indian buyers (and given India pricing), GTX 1060 trumps RX 480 as a better buy. (RX 480 is similarly or slightly higher priced than GTX 1060 in India, with similar or lower performance across most benches... also, no AIB cards yet for RX 480 and no visibility when to expect some).

So the question is, which GTX 1060 to buy and from where ?
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Prime also has the card for similar prices. It is an ok purchase considering for 25k you also get a custom 970 which performs similar to 1060. This is a good purchase for people coming from very old generations but 9x series people can use their cards until newer gen pops up in the market.
^ but isn't 1060 more future proof? buying an 1060 over custom 970 makes more sense right? correct me if im wrong. I don't know the 1060 gains over vulkan graphics apis
I would say it's not that future proof considering there are no game titles around at the moment to show you a major difference. And i am talking about people who are using 9x series card the 10xx gen doesnt make much sense in terms of upgrade or future proofing. If you are on a very old gen then by all means yes it's a future proofing upgrade.
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Absolutely no for 970 or even a 780 as a matter of fact. If you play very high-res then 970 to 1080 is a good upgrade however :)
^ but isn't 1060 more future proof? buying an 1060 over custom 970 makes more sense right? correct me if im wrong. I don't know the 1060 gains over vulkan graphics apis

If you have older generation (before GTX 9xx) and if you are in the market today, there is no point in going 9xx series (custom or otherwise)...

a) If you were thinking GTX 970 (22k-26k range), GTX 1060 will be a better option at 25k-28k range - note that GTX 1060 goes head to head (not necessarily better) with GTX 980
b) GTX 980 (30k-40k ??), GTX 1060 is still better (Reason GTX 1060 is the alternative to both GTX 970 and GTX 980 is that there wasn't much difference between the two cards anyway and an OC'ed 970 could match 980 or come very close)
c) GTX 980 Ti (50k+) vs GTX 1070 (39k-45k)

Trouble is, global recommendations don't entirely work for us Indians because of the pricing difference. India pricing is always higher, AMD pricing is worse than Nvidia's and prices are slow to move.

On the other hand, if you have a GTX 9xx, then any comparable upgrade is obviously a side upgrade and you need to have a better reason to do a category shift (GTX 970 to GTX 1070 for e.g. or GTX 980 to GTX 1080... GTX 980 Ti folks are good for now )[DOUBLEPOST=1469161317][/DOUBLEPOST]

Is the MSI also available ? Zotac vs MSI, any recommendations ? MSI has a backplate, the Zotac doesn't... but Zotac has 5 yr warranty
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