Graphic Cards Nvidia GTX 1060 landing july 7

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No links yet on where to buy but a couple of sites (including IGN) have posted the price I mentioned. Thats why I specified "announced" in my earlier post...
If you have older generation (before GTX 9xx) and if you are in the market today, there is no point in going 9xx series (custom or otherwise)...

Do you think upgrading from Gtx 770 2GB to 1060 would result in a substantial performance boost?

Is the MSI also available ? Zotac vs MSI, any recommendations ? MSI has a backplate, the Zotac doesn't... but Zotac has 5 yr warranty

I'd personally recommend MSI over Zotac, since MSI (and apparently Asus) offer superior heat dissipation due to their better designed coolers. I have never faced a single problem with my MSI Gtx 770 Gaming series card.
On the other hand, MSI's card size is the largest compared to stock nVidia and Zotac cards, so it could results in space constraints for certain cabinets. Also, I am not much interested in the LED flashlights on the MSI card and pay extra for them. So I *just* might consider the slightly cheaper and less flashy alternative - Zotac Amp! edition card.

Lastly, I have Corsair 600 w Gaming Series PSU. I wonder if that'll prove adequate for running 1060 smoothly? Does anyone know?
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Do you think upgrading from Gtx 770 2GB to 1060 would result in a substantial performance boost?
You would see a pretty large gain (the 1060 is between the 970 and 980 in performance)

I'd personally recommend MSI over Zotac, since MSI (and apparently Asus) offer superior heat dissipation due to their better designed coolers.
while this is true, msi has limited service coverage in India.
zotac has a 2+3 year warranty.
asus has good service coverage

Lastly, I have Corsair 600 w Gaming Series PSU. I wonder if that'll prove adequate for running 1060 smoothly? Does anyone know?
yes it will. the gtx1060 has a tdp of 120w which is lower than the gtx770
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Asus pricing for 1060 in India (Source IGN - no idea about availability) -
Strix GTX 1060 - Rs. 31,350/-
Turbo GTX 1060 - Rs. 28,500/-
Dual GTX 1060 - Rs. 28,500/-
Apparently the above prices are not inclusive of tax so they will end up even higher....
Bangalore is not a village, call up a few stores on SP road or just order it yourself.

Bangalore has higher prices. Gaming x on mdcomputers is 27300.
And Sunil's price is 25500 for Ggaming X. I can pay shipping costs. He could help me out, I would owe him one in the future.[DOUBLEPOST=1469375162][/DOUBLEPOST]Wait on seconds thoughts, it looks like price before VAT.
So yes it comes to same price, plus or minus 100-500 RS
^It's always better to deal directly with the seller, sure you'll owe him one in the future but there's too much unnecessary hassle for everyone involved for something that can be procured easily by yourself, logistics companies are fussy with shipping electronics these days plus you'll have to run around if it gets damaged in transit.
It'd be understandable if you were residing in Tripura or something but you're in Bangalore, you just have to look around and you'll definitely find it for the same price it's available for online.
Bangalore has higher prices. Gaming x on mdcomputers is 27300.
And Sunil's price is 25500 for Ggaming X. I can pay shipping costs. He could help me out, I would owe him one in the future.[DOUBLEPOST=1469375162][/DOUBLEPOST]Wait on seconds thoughts, it looks like price before VAT.
So yes it comes to same price, plus or minus 100-500 RS
Zotac GTX1060 Mini -21000
Zotac GTX1060 AMP -23000

Prices from CTC,Secunderabad

SOURCE: PL Computers

Call Amit Jain of PL Computers, he will ship it to your place...
Contact: Amit Jain-Ph:9246352400
I tried calling every where. North South East West. Nobody has MSI GTX 1060 Gaming X.
I just ordered Zotac 1070 Amp Extreme.

Tired waiting, my desktop is dead since a month.
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I tried calling every where. North South East West. Nobody has MSI GTX 1060 Gaming X.
I just ordered Zotac 1070 Amp Extreme.

Tired waiting, my desktop is dead since a month.

Sigh, I know what you mean (sort of). Been waiting to play Witcher 3 for almost like 6 months now. Needed a new card since last September and kept pushing and waiting for first prices of GTX 970 to improve and then for Pascal / Polaris visibility... still no cigar!
Vulkan API is utilised efficiently by AMD where as Nvidia is giving more fps in OpenGL.

I hope nvidia updates its next drivers for using Vulkan API more efficiently.
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Doom Vulkan gives huge boosts on NV as well if you have an old cpu.
My minimum framerate went from 60 on OGL to 100 on Vulkan on my i5 2400 @ stock.

Wish all games used the new low-level APIs this well.
DX12 on every game that uses it so far has been a total wash. Even though it too is supposed to remove cpu and driver overhead.

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