Rahul Galvanizer Feb 18, 2006 #22 i am really amazed and nVidia is not clearing this thing ..... every website is reporting that its having 8 bit wide HTT bus
i am really amazed and nVidia is not clearing this thing ..... every website is reporting that its having 8 bit wide HTT bus
Shripad Innovator Feb 18, 2006 #23 guys download this http://cbid.amdclub.ru/files/cbid77b.zip Its central brain identifier. And see what it tells. here is my screenshot. For me from now on, bye bye cpuz. EDIT: in past i had used older evrsions of this utility, but that time it was nowhere near to what its now. amount of info is just awasome.
guys download this http://cbid.amdclub.ru/files/cbid77b.zip Its central brain identifier. And see what it tells. here is my screenshot. For me from now on, bye bye cpuz. EDIT: in past i had used older evrsions of this utility, but that time it was nowhere near to what its now. amount of info is just awasome.
Switch Herald Feb 18, 2006 #25 Well... Its a awasome little utility... Even lets you tweak Ram timings on the fly ...
D dipdude Forerunner Feb 18, 2006 #26 ^ add to that even the hypertransport link can be set on the fly from 2 bit to 32 bit darky, waiting for the screenie, would solve the a8n32 puzzle once and for all :cool2:
^ add to that even the hypertransport link can be set on the fly from 2 bit to 32 bit darky, waiting for the screenie, would solve the a8n32 puzzle once and for all :cool2:
Rahul Galvanizer Feb 18, 2006 #27 ^^ nope it is not implemented yet .... try to change it and u will get the message ....
Darklord Galvanizer Feb 18, 2006 #28 There you go guys... Attachments CBBID 1.jpg 71.3 KB · Views: 90 CBBID 2.jpg 55.4 KB · Views: 89 CBBID 3.jpg 62.5 KB · Views: 83 CBBID 4.jpg 61 KB · Views: 85
Saiyan The L33t Admeen Galvanizer Feb 18, 2006 #29 Wow its really awesome utility. Good bye CPU-Z :bye2: Edit:Just found out one can the processor name also
Wow its really awesome utility. Good bye CPU-Z :bye2: Edit:Just found out one can the processor name also
Shripad Innovator Feb 18, 2006 #30 damn, it lets you change multipliers, ram timings, vcore on the fly. And it works, i just checked This tool has great potential. Little buggy, but still very good tool.
damn, it lets you change multipliers, ram timings, vcore on the fly. And it works, i just checked This tool has great potential. Little buggy, but still very good tool.
X x86 Explorer Feb 19, 2006 #32 Darklord said: There you go guys... Click to expand... wow dude tht means a8n32 has 16/16 instead of the bs 8/8 wow i think TE shud get full credit for this and point out this error everyt site is making.
Darklord said: There you go guys... Click to expand... wow dude tht means a8n32 has 16/16 instead of the bs 8/8 wow i think TE shud get full credit for this and point out this error everyt site is making.
Rave Forerunner Feb 19, 2006 #33 thread title edited and made more search friendly, carry on the good discussion
X x86 Explorer Feb 19, 2006 #34 [img=http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/1849/wow15tm.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/6029/wow25fr.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/2534/wow34bu.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/5044/wow49sd.th.jpg] [img=http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/5821/wow56rn.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/6722/wow68yj.th.jpg] "check out the 3rd one same as a8n32 sli deluxe."
[img=http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/1849/wow15tm.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/6029/wow25fr.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/2534/wow34bu.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/5044/wow49sd.th.jpg] [img=http://img454.imageshack.us/img454/5821/wow56rn.th.jpg] [img=http://img303.imageshack.us/img303/6722/wow68yj.th.jpg] "check out the 3rd one same as a8n32 sli deluxe."
N Nikhil Forerunner Feb 19, 2006 #35 It is showing voltage as 1.168:S :S :S :S How can it be?? CPU Z and Asus PCProbe show it as 1.568
Shripad Innovator Feb 19, 2006 #37 dont check the vcore from mobility settings. Check it on the main processor tab. Showing correct readings on my and my cousine's pc.
dont check the vcore from mobility settings. Check it on the main processor tab. Showing correct readings on my and my cousine's pc.
Shripad Innovator Feb 19, 2006 #39 Look at these two windows. One is processor tab and other is mobility tab.
N Nikhil Forerunner Feb 19, 2006 #40 I didnt even notice..... I have posted a wrong screenie. See this screenie Funky It is showing voltage as 1.168V. Asus PCProbe shows it as 1.568/1.584
I didnt even notice..... I have posted a wrong screenie. See this screenie Funky It is showing voltage as 1.168V. Asus PCProbe shows it as 1.568/1.584