CPU/Mobo Nvidia Nforce4 SLI 16X HTT issue

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its hard to say. it mostly well be reading the values off the bios.

Physically whats the case none of us can tell so easily.
darky do one thing take fps measures with 8/8 and 16/16 and post the difference.
i desperately need to knowif its 8 or 16.
ny other ways 2 find out?
somebody please diassemble and reverse the software to see if it invokes any values from bios :bleh:
[OT]CBID is awesome for laptops. My lappy has a mobile Barton, so I use CBID to downclock the proccy when i'm using the college WLAN [/OT]
Ok guys,
To get a more clear idea regarding this HTT Link between K8 and NB,i have dashed a mail directly to Nvidia :P

Heres a screenshot,

Ok here it is,coming right from the horse's mouth...
Eh well,did i say the saying properly ? anyways to hell with it.Point is ,i have got a reply from Nvidia,here it is,

Ok i guess now we have a confirm status as to what is going on inside that NF4 SLI16X thing. :clap:
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