Storage Solutions NVME ssd write speed only 40MB/s.. but crystaldiskmark shows speed at around 2000 MB/s

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I have a WD SN550 1tb NVME..recently i was copying data to the nvme ssd and saw speed to be around 40MB/s only. it is partitioned in 2 drives and funny thing is one partition is giving write speed of 500 MBs+ and other is not. is anyone facing same issue or if anyone has any solution. I have a game also installed in it.
I know that. but ssd is 60% free and it is 2 months old barely. files being copied is a video file around 50gb size.
i have tried from hdd to nvme ssd and from sata ssd to nvme ssd. in both scenarios issue is same. in one partition i was getting write speed of 500MB/s+ which is also quite low. but 40MBs is way low. so deleted that partition and merged it but still no improvement.
please check drive health and do some benchmark for your ssd. compare benchmark with reviews and also see numbers on userbenchmark.
post screenshots if possible
I've got the same SSD but not the problem. Are you sure you have attempted to copy the same files on both partitions ? Because the speed of copying many smaller files less than that of 1 large file.
please check drive health and do some benchmark for your ssd. compare benchmark with reviews and also see numbers on userbenchmark.
post screenshots if possible
done everything. no issue there.

also check driver updates and check nvme port sharing across pci devices.
checked. no new updates. for pcie devices. earlier i was having rx 570 4gb gpu and recently moved to 2080 super. can that be issue. but again. one partition was giving write speed of 500 MB/s.
I've got the same SSD but not the problem. Are you sure you have attempted to copy the same files on both partitions ? Because the speed of copying many smaller files less than that of 1 large file.
i already mentioned above. It was a 50gb video file
done everything. no issue there.

checked. no new updates. for pcie devices. earlier i was having rx 570 4gb gpu and recently moved to 2080 super. can that be issue. but again. one partition was giving write speed of 500 MB/s.

what motherboard you on. also, can you confirm its ntfs in disk management. Also try to full format the drive and see if the test numbers are still same.
if under warranty, you can go for replacement
there shouldn't be a problem with this you should update all the driver and bios if your motherboard is old. there might be pcie issue. please share your scores so that we can understand the issue.
what motherboard you on. also, can you confirm its ntfs in disk management. Also try to full format the drive and see if the test numbers are still same.
if under warranty, you can go for replacement
B450 tomahawk max. yes, it is ntfs. i have games installed on it so i am reluctant to format. but would do it as last resort.
it is brand new barely 2 months old.
I have a WD SN550 1tb NVME..recently i was copying data to the nvme ssd and saw speed to be around 40MB/s only. it is partitioned in 2 drives and funny thing is one partition is giving write speed of 500 MBs+ and other is not. is anyone facing same issue or if anyone has any solution. I have a game also installed in it.
May be one partition is close to full and other is not. I don't really know how the cache works in case of partitioned ssds.
May be one partition is close to full and other is not. I don't really know how the cache works in case of partitioned ssds.
neither partition was full. i even merged both the partition. At last had to move all data and formatted it. now it is working as it should.
but to remind, before that i checked speed with crystaldiskmark 7 and it showed proper R/W speed. Anyway, I did what I didn't wanted to do.
will search internet if partition on nvme ssd causes such issue.
anyway thanks for trying to help everyone.

Have u checked the temps...?
there is no issue....temps are always below 45C
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I should've chimed in bit earlier.
NVMe testing is very tricky. to explain a bit more, the drive directly sits on pcie bus directly as compared to traditional sata drives. which means that there is a direct highway between the drive, memory, dma controller and cpu. there is no translation between sata protocol etc... to add to this nvme is a very simple protocol optimized for speed. has too many completion queues compared to sata. because of all these reasons, they are very very fast.
now coming to perf numbers; the drive manufacturing companies always want to show off; so they post the best numbers. so they post numbers for the raw drive performance. to explain this, writing a file on operating system is a stack of protocol conversions; in windows example, right click -> paste -> ntfs read+write (ntfs implements its own caching) -> block device (has its own caching) -> scsi protocol -> sata protocol -> actual drive in case of sata drive. in case of nvme few layers are removed.
The drive companies also want to show off speeds in MBps instead of IOPS because if you have 1MB block size set, you get higher MBps for same IOPS. And then they avoid all the file system, block layer and other overheads and do their tests with direct devices. For this reason, we don't use simple linux commands like dd for testing NVMe but instead use fio.
In your case you are simply doing a file copy paste and expecting it to match crystal mark/fio. it wont work like that.

TLDR; too many asterisks with drive performance stats. use fio if you want to test nvme drives. probably on a linux box with raw drives. (linux because, everyone does it like that and windows is stupid anyways.)
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