oil cooling

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Call me an ass.... but I don't believe it. If it is oil, then the CPU fan and the GPU fanm will not work properly.

And you cannot immerse the whole thing in oil like that. He has immersed the PSU for GOD'S SAKE!!!

This will make me win a BET I had with a friend !!! :ohyeah:

This has been around for some time... someone on the Internet had posted pictures of oil immersion of the computer about 10 years back. But that was a very crude effort this one you have posted is very NEAT !!! In the old pages I think the person had mentioned that he had used cooking oil.
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heres what one guy did...but his thing is similar to water cooling -

zhopudey posted 2.67 minutes later:

and this guy has been using his fully submerged system for a year!!!


Markus Leonhardt has taken the shortest route possible to liquid cooling.
1. throw motherboard in fish tank
2. cover in vegetable oil
3. there is no step 3

zhopudey posted 3.15 minutes later:

heres another discussion on submerssion cooling -
well...did anyone see the first pics of ATi's 512MB card?? it was shows submersed in some blue liquid.....
Nikhil said:
Call me an ass.... but I don't believe it. If it is oil, then the CPU fan and the GPU fanm will not work properly.

And you cannot immerse the whole thing in oil like that. He has immersed the PSU for GOD'S SAKE!!!
all he'd probly have to do is replace the stock fans with something of a higher power rating to counter the increased density. Apart from that, its all the same...oil is a fluid after all.

And whats the prob with immersing the psu, as long as the oil is non conductive? the beauty of electronics.
This has been done in past. I remember someone use some kind of non conductive liquid and completely submerged his system in that. There was links with pics at xtremesystems and extreme overclocking.
seen this way before ..... nice form of cooling ..... i don't think fans are needed in liquid they are passivley kooled ...
Yup, Grease Monk is right, oil does not conduct, and no fans are needed too...

Wonder what will happen when the oil heats up ? How does he keep it cool ?
fans could be useful to circulate the oil and help cooling. why hasnt any one asked if we can pair this with a prescott make frech fries ? :P
Exactly, that is what I am saying. When your CPU, Mobo, GPU heats up, the oil will heat up too right ? After a few days you can bet it will be atleast a few degrees hotter depending on the type of oil. Then what do you do ?
bottle said:
fans could be useful to circulate the oil and help cooling. why hasnt any one asked if we can pair this with a prescott make frech fries ? :P
Exactly my thoughts.!!!:cool2:

i was gonna post about it but just in nick of time saw ur this post.
Well, theres an awefully large amount of oil in that tank. So it would be impossible for a relatively low power processor to heat up that volume of oil in a couple of hours even.
One question though. Theres a little black box with a silver front panel, and a green tube running to the top on the extreme right of the tank. Whats that ?
anishcool said:
Exactly, that is what I am saying. When your CPU, Mobo, GPU heats up, the oil will heat up too right ? After a few days you can bet it will be atleast a few degrees hotter depending on the type of oil. Then what do you do ?
Well, the hot oil from the chip and mobo rises to the surface and cools down when exposed to air, which again goes down to cool the proccy and mobo. Temp differences will be minute, but the shear bulk of oil compensates for that.

Theres a little black box with a silver front panel, and a green tube running to the top on the extreme right of the tank. Whats that

Im guessing thats either a pump to promote oil flow in the tank or to run some sort of heat exchanger system (aka radiator)

Grease Monk posted 1.87 minutes later:

and isnt it odd that the keyboard and mouse are facing the tank and not a monitor? :D
whao!! finally a all-in-one kitchen-in-my-bed-room solution!!! nice.. if only i can think of putting up my bed somewhere there.. :D

TheMask posted 1.22 minutes later:

wonder what wud happen if something has to be sent for replacement.. heheh..
yeah...lollolololol.....they'd prolly deny replacement saying u dipped this in something :P
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