Storage Solutions OMG !! Broke the SATA data connector on HDD - FIXED !!

SoulFire said:
maybe we need a new DIY wired hard disk guide :p

GUIDE = take SATA data cable and hold to damaged HDD connector ... take SuperGlue PRESS tube till one drop comes out .... apply drop to joint... put pressure for one minute ... DONE !! :eek:hyeah:
Eazy said:
:huh: there are no pock marks on the HDD - must be on your Monitor :)

If you refer to marks on the HDD tray that must have been made during the process of air-conditioning the tray - it was very difficult to hold down whilst I was using a drill/hack saw/file on it - I do not have a work bench - had to do the work on the floor :(

@gaganjain .... Nai Yar ... I am 100% sure warranty over on this HDD as damage was done by me :(

@AMD4Life .... its really no big deal.... all you have to do is make sure that the camera is very steady whilst taking the picture. Any camera can take good pictures.

Ya dude thats wat i was referring to... and have u come across any screens with pock marks?
PriyoBan said:
... and have u come across any screens with pock marks?

No of course not... I was just being plain stoopid saying that... my apologies.... but let me tell you I got a Samsung 740n screen as a replacement from Samsung which could have what could be called "pock marks" on the screen - and this was a brand new replacement they wanted to give me for an already defective screen !!
dude eazy....

i too have a hitachi 250 gigger... de other day was jus cleaning out the inside of my case... i'ddisconnd de hdd nd was putting it all back in... wen i noticed something... de plastic covering on de data connector of my hdd was gone... a look into de sata cable end of things nd wonder of wonders... its there!!!

de plastic had plain come off,,,(cant post no pics.. :( no cam..)

de hdd now has a bunch of metal strips poking out where de data connector should be... was wondering whether i could claim warranty.. coz this dint even involve a super powerfull lil finger... :( :(

i jus plugged de sata cable wid de plastic back in.. nd its been working fine... atleast till now.. for a month...
sTALKEr said:
de plastic covering on de data connector of my hdd was gone... a look into de sata cable end of things nd wonder of wonders... its there!!!
de plastic had plain come off,,,
de hdd now has a bunch of metal strips poking out where de data connector should be... was wondering whether i could claim warranty.. i jus plugged de sata cable wid de plastic back in.. nd its been working fine... atleast till now.. for a month...

THIS is exactly what happened to my HDD .... same sceanrio of only metal pins sticking out and the plastic cover permanently embedded in the SATA DATA cable.... I pushed back the cover over the pins and stuck it there with super glue ... using the HDD right now with no problems...

Doubt you will get replacement under warranty for this HDD :) Read what Switch has written in his post in this thread.
hmm... jus seen it. will probably have to do that... this is sad man... there has to be something wrong wid dem hdds... never bfore have i ever hrd of anythin like this...
sTALKEr said:
... there has to be something wrong wid dem hdds... never bfore have i ever hrd of anythin like this...

In my case it was clearly my fault .... my finger hit the connector and snapped it whilst I was pulling out a tight PCIE connector on a GFX card.
dude... u urself said it was barely a touch nd tht it was ur lil finger.. doesnt that say something abt how strong those connectrs are.????
dude eazy... :( :( :(

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for contacting Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Technical

Support Centre.

I'm sorry, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies does not provide assistance

with the physical repair of hard disk drives. We are unaware of any

company that may provide this service.

Li Hong

this is what hitachi told me... am gonna go after delta now. got my hdd from him.
@sTTALKEr: Sorry for bumping a really old thread, however i did the "little finger trick" on my Seagate 360 gigger last night. :(

And am in the same fray as you n easy sir.

Did talking to ur dealer (Delta) help?

If yes how?

If no, then i'll take the "easy" route, n feviquick it. (Pun intended)

I hope feviquick would suffice, or is there something called the "superglue" which actually sells in our markets?

Is feviquick (Cyanoacrylate) electically conductive?
^I have replaced 2 Hitachi 320GB hdd with the broken sata connector (through Delta) without any issue.
Feviquik is not electrically conductive and should work well. Try not to apply too much, just a small coating over the broken surface should do.
sarang said:
If no, then i'll take the "easy" route, n feviquick it. (Pun intended)

I hope feviquick would suffice, or is there something called the "superglue" which actually sells in our markets?

I had first used Cyanoacrylate but this did not hold the connector for long - it came loose when I fiddled with it a bit, finally I had used Araldite and this held the connector in place for as long as I had the HDD before getting it replaced by Hitachi... a picture of the SATA Data connector drowned in Araldite :) .....

Hitachi ended up replacing those HDD's eventually.

It was an acknowledged problem with Hitachi HDD's. I'm not too sure of how Seagate will treat your case. You could give it a shot.. else, there always is Araldite as eazy sir has mentioned.