So can you guys point to an faq of how these digital downloads on Steam/Amazon/Origin etc. work & its pros & cons?
Re: your post -
a) Do the downloads need to start immediately/within certain time after purchase?
Origin is the ONLY service I have seen where I recd. a warning AFTER purchase that I had 30 days (or was it 45 days?) to download my purchased game. No other service imposes such idiotic time restrictions. That's why I have simply stopped buying Origin games. Origin may not implement this restriction but the very fact that I recd. it, that too only AFTER I paid for the game just put me off Origin.
b) Once downloaded & installed, what after deletion? Re-download & you're good or it's a one-time-only scenario?
Avoid "deleting" games. Reason I say this is because a number of games use 3rd party DRM schemes (TAGES/Securom/Starforce/Solidshield etc.), over and above whatever DRM the service itself has.
Instead, its always advisable to "Uninstall" games as this usually resets your install count as well. While uninstalling, make sure you have internet access and allow any 3rd party DRM to access their authorization servers as failing to do so could cause you to lose an install count, depending on the DRM in question. The Steam store usually mentions 3rd party DRM's if present on their product store page. Some other sites do as well but just because its not mentioned doesn't mean its not present. If 3rd party DRM is an issue of concern for you, then always check this list before you buy a game on Steam-
c) Can installation files be burned to a disc to save hdd space?
Steam allows this from within the Steam client itself. There are several posts on the Steam forum that complain about the backup tool not working properly. Been backing up my Steam games for 9 years now and only ran into an issue twice - both with games that had the same identical problem (F.E.A.R & H.A.W.X) where a bug with the Steam backup client caused problems restoring backups that had a '.' in the backup archive name. So saving the backup as "FEAR" rather than "F.E.A.R" fixes the problem. Ditto for HAWX.
The GOOD thing about Steam backups is that it backups the game in its "pre-installed" state, meaning as a CLEAN install. So when you restore a backup, the game actually installs as if it was just freshly downloaded. The disadvantage of this (for some people) is that a Steam backup will not archive any user saved games (ie. user progress), custom maps, configuration files etc. so keep that in mind when making a Steam backup. If you want to back those up as well, you need to do it manually.
For more info on various different ways of backup up Steam games, see here -
& here -
For info on also saving game specific saves, see this thread -
In the case of other Digital DRM services, there is rarely any kind of in built backup option. Apart from Steam I have and use clients for GOG, Uplay, GMG (Capsule), Gamestop (formerly Impulse) and Origin.
The best you can do is simply backup the entire installer (using Winrar/7Zip) and keep a careful note of install paths so you can try and restore them again later.
Exceptions to this rule are GamersGate & GOG. The Gamersgate client doesn't have a backup function but backing up the entire download 100% guarantees a "fresh" install without any issues whatsoever. Only thing is, it will require you to enter your GG L/P to authenticate that you are the genuine owner of the game in question.
GOG on the other hand, sells DRM FREE games, so all their games can be backed up however you want and will install without any issues (don't even require an internet connection for that matter).
Hope that helps. [DOUBLEPOST=1388576726][/DOUBLEPOST]
A couple of nice deals -
Contrast for $3 - glad I waited.

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Bioshock 1 & 2 (Minerva's Den DLC not included) for $5 on Amazon -