Options to get stuff shipped from China...Lets discuss

Is it possible to buy items from China and get it shipped to a Chinese address?
Tobao isn't even loading, jd needs an account with Chinese number.
There's a guy coming from China to Chennai and i want to buy a few small items.
Yes. I have done that at least 4-5 times. But I was buying from alibaba as cannot really use taobao. I ask seller for the stuff i want, he creates order and ships to my mentioned address and I get it to India via a freight forwarder or my friend.

I am part of a lepin (fake lego) group and one guy even contacted a freight forwarder on alibaba itself, started a WhatsApp chat between the fake lego seller and freight forwarder and got his stuff shipped from fake lego seller to FF and it was delivered to India in under a week.
Granted it is was all plastic items so customs was charges on the (under)invoiced value of nearly $20 (package weight was 30 kgs).
Myself and few others folks from reddit have made a chat group on reddit as all of us are interested in Fake legos.
One of the guys there has made an order of fakes legos there from alibaba and total weight of all is 20 Kgs. He has connected with a shipper on alibaba who gave him under $100 quote for India shipping (customs our responsibility) via UPS which only takes max 10 days.
I will update everyone once his fake legos get shipped.

That guy has experience of ordering from another website (fake legos) and even 10 Kg packages but he has always under invoiced to $20 and always he only got duty on that $20 price. No reassessment of box happened (even if it was 10 kg). He mentioned that unless the package is flagged in xray screening, customs don't bother for UPS packages and customs is charged on the invoice value.

He did tell one thing though that avoid any electronics so he doesn't even order lego motors or battery boxes or led lightning and only orders sets without those so at the end the box has 10 Kg plastic bits (which is what lego is) and paper manuals.
I am really into Legos myself. Can you please add me to the group you mentioned?
Pm me your mobile number and I will get you added. Mind you we are into fake legos. Not original. But we do buy original once in a while (locally).
Can you please DM me bro? I cannot DM accounts yet. I am intrigued by fake legos and would like some idea around what's available, if that would be possible. Thanks in advance mate!