Ouch ! Insect bite

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Keane 16

Alright. Everyone in my house is asleep. An insect just bit me on my neck. Real bad. What do I do ? Put ice on it or what ? :S

It was this weird little thing. Killed the bastard. :clap:


Medpal ??
take a chill pill !!!

on a serious note,wash it with dettol/soap and apply some ointment it should be OK by tomorrow...
@kumar : .. i think its just some stupid mosquito or a ant or some other cross br33d...

^dont give her my number..shes been calling all my frnds lately to track me..:|
Yes its confirmed. Akshit's blood sample was analysed by my team of semi-bald scientists in their secret lab behind the udipi hotel in east Dombivili.........and identified the insect as a particularly vicious strain of "Spamartula Ad Infinitiosis". Akshit, you now have developed "Ultra Spam" powers. Soon, you'll be able to type faster than any mod can delete your posts, and even able to leap over any restrictions put by the evil admins.
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