Insect stings may or may not be dangerous.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:zhopudey said:Yes its confirmed. Akshit's blood sample was analysed by my team of semi-bald scientists in their secret lab behind the udipi hotel in east Dombivili.........and identified the insect as a particularly vicious strain of "Spamartula Ad Infinitiosis". Akshit, you now have developed "Ultra Spam" powers. Soon, you'll be able to type faster than any mod can delete your posts, and even able to leap over any restrictions put by the evil admins.
A shy, obsessive comic book fan gets injected with an experimental serum of a lab that is studying how to give humans the abilities of spiders. At first he develops minor abilities such as increased strength, which allows him to fight local criminals and bullies, thus living out his dream of being a superhero, and impressing his attractive next-door neighbor. Things start to get more odd when he is able to shoot webs out of his abdomen. Then he loses control over the force with which he applies his increasingly deadly abilities, as well as his judgment to discern between criminals and jokesters. His dream becomes a nightmare when he starts growing large spider body parts, he's in constant pain, and he develops a nearly insatiable hunger.
bah...showing off every insect wound to a doctor is idiocracy . Wait for a while and see if it bulges or anything . clean with antiseptic and see if goes away . if it persists then consult a doc .
medpal said:primary care : wash with clean warm water, do not scratch, do not apply oil base creams or jelly, you can use water based creams, but better to leave it open. apply some ice to it so that itching is less.
I once got bitten by a centipede on my foot and god it throbbed for days. the tooth marks were vampiresque and my foot swelled beyond belief. But thankfully centipedes aren't poisonous. most of them at least.akshitmohan said:There's this red mark. Isn't itchy. Looks like a bad mosquito bite .. But it wasn't a mosquito ..
Renegade said:Examples of both?